A repeat of my translation Eirik's Saga Ch4 part 2
From: Patricia Message: 8368 Date: 2007-07-03
I do not see Yahoo sending in my translation so I am repeating it
here on line
En er hún kom inn þótti öllum mönnum skylt að velja henni sæmilegar
kveðjur en hún tók því eftir sem henni voru menn skapfelldir til.
When she came in everyone must/should offer her respectful greetings
and she accepted (took to) them as to how the person seemed agreeable
Tók Þorkell bóndi í hönd vísindakonunni og leiddi hana til þess sætis
er henni var búið. Þorkell bað hana þá renna þar augum yfir hjörð og
hjú og híbýli. Hún var fámálug um allt.
Thorkel (the) farmer took the wisewoman by the hand and led her to
the seat prepared for her. Thorkel asked her to cast her eyes over
his herd and household and buildings . She was of few words (G) of
all of it.
Borð voru upp tekin um kveldið og er frá því að segja að spákonunni
var matbúið. Henni var ger grautur af kiðjamjólk en til matar henni
voru búin hjörtu úr alls konar kvikindum þeim sem þar voru til.
Tables were set up in the evening and food prepared for the seeress.
For her - was made a porrige/gruel of goat beestings (G) and for meat
there was prepared hearts of every kind (G) of creature that was
available there
Hún hafði messingarspón og hníf tannskeftan, tvíhólkaðan af eiri, og
var af brotinn oddurinn.
She had a brass spoon, and a knife with the handle pf walrus ivory
(G) with the point broken
En er borð voru upp tekin gengur Þorkell bóndi fyrir Þorbjörgu og
spyr hversu henni virðist þar híbýli eða hættir manna eða hversu
fljótlega hann mun þess vís verða er hann hefir spurt eftir og menn
vildu vita.
Once the tables had been cleared THorkel approached Thorbjorg and
asked of her how it seemed to her - his home and the manners of his
household and how soon he might have an answer to what he asked and
people wanted to know
Hún kveðst það ekki mundu upp bera fyrr en um morguninn þá er hún
hefði sofið þar um nóttina.
She declared that she would not reply to this until the following day
after she had slept and spent the night there
En að áliðnum degi var henni veittur sá umbúningur sem hún skyldi til
að fremja seiðinn.
And at the end of the following day she was given what she needed (Z-
outfit) to perform/practice (Z) her Seiðr work
Bað hún fá sér konur þær sem kynnu fræði það er þyrfti til seiðinn að
fremja og Varðlokur heita. En þær konur fundust eigi. Þá var að
leitað um bæinn ef nokkur kynni.
She asked for /needed women that knew the songs for the rites of
magic that were Ward-Songs. But such women were not to be found. Then
it was that she asked the household if anyone knew
Þá svarar Guðríður: "Hvorki er eg fjölkunnig né vísindakona en þó
kenndi Halldís fóstra mín mér á Íslandi það fræði er hún kallaði
Then replied Guðrið " I have no folk magic and am not a wise-woman
but my foster-mother Halldis told me in Iceland of the Lore that she
called Ward-chants
Þorbjörg svaraði: "Þá ertu fróðari en eg ætlaði."
Thorbjorg replied "Then you are more learned than I
Guðríður segir: "Þetta er þess konar fræði og atferli að eg ætla í
öngvum atbeina að vera því að eg er kona kristin."
Guðrið says "These are works in which I take no part because I am a
Christian woman"
Þorbjörg svarar: "Svo mætti verða að þú yrðir mönnum að liði hér um
en þú værir þá kona ekki að verri. En við Þorkel met eg að fá þá
hluti hér til er þarf."
Thorbjorg replies "Thus you might do - thus helping people and by
doing this be not worse (?). But let Thorkel give me help as I need
Þorkell herðir nú að Guðríði en hún kveðst mundu gera sem hann vildi.
Thorkel urged Guðrið and she declared that she would do as he wished
Slógu þá konur hring umhverfis en Þorbjörg sat uppi á seiðhjallinum.
Then assembled the women in a circle all around (where) Thorbjorg sat
up on the Seið platform
Kvað Guðríður þá kvæðið svo fagurt og vel að engi þóttist fyrr heyrt
hafa með fegri raust kveðið sá er þar var.
Guðrið spoke the chant so beautifully and so well that all thought
they had not heard the chant sung with more beauty than it was here
Spákona þakkar henni kvæðið. Hún hafði margar náttúrur hingað að sótt
og þótti fagurt að heyra það er kveðið var
The seeress thanked her for her song/chant. She said many spirits
had come hither for they thought the chanting beautiful to hear as
it was
"er áður vildu frá oss snúast og oss öngva hlýðni veita. En mér eru
nú margir þeir hlutir auðsýnir er áður var bæði eg og aðrir duldir.
"though earlier they would turn away from us and not do as asked
Many things are now shown clear to me that were once hidden from me
and others"
It is worth noting that the beestings referred to are a product of
all the farm animals - and they are a rich product of which (at one
time) in our more agrarian history were used to make a nourishing
pudding - easily digested by the Young and the Elderly - it would
have had the appearance of an Egg Custard - but no Eggs were needed
as the Beestings were often rich enough in themselves