From: Patricia Wilson
Message: 8140
Date: 2007-04-27
I have used the phrase "took land" for this would mean the man mentioned was a "first settler", though I do have the Land Nama bók I have not checked it.
58. kafli
Egil hét maður. Hann var Kolsson Óttarssonar ballar er land
nam meðal
Stotalækjar og Reyðarvatns.
Egil was the name of a man, he was Kol's son (who was) son of Ottar Ball he took land (was first settler) between Stota Brook (?or river) and Reydar Water
Bróðir Egils var Önundur í Tröllaskógi, faðir
Halla hins sterka er var að
vígi Holta-Þóris með sonum Ketils hins
Brother of Egil was Onund of Trollwood (he was) father of Hall the Strong and he (Hall) was at (present) the killing of Holt Thorir with the sons of Ketil (the) Smoothspoken
Egill bjó í Sandgili. Synir hans voru þeir Kolur og Óttar og
Móðir þeirra var Steinvör systir Starkaðar undir Þríhyrningi.
Egil lived at Sandgil. His sons were Kol and Ottar and Haukur. Their mother was Steinvor sister of Starkad of Threehorns
Egils voru miklir menn og kappsamir og hinir mestu ójafnaðarmenn.
The sons of Egil were tall men and impetuous (Z) and the most unfair (ó-jafnaðr =Z)
Þeir voru
að einu máli og synir Starkaðar. Systir þeirra var Guðrún
náttsól. Hún var
kvenna fríðust og kurteisust.
They were of one speech (?of one opinion) with the sons
of Starkad. Their sister was Gudrun Nightsun, she was a woman most peaceful and
courteous (refined?)
Egill hafði tekið við Austmönnum tveimur. Hét
annar Þórir en annar
Þorgrímur. Þeir voru frumferlar út hingað, vinsælir og
auðgir. Þeir voru
vígir vel og fræknir um allt.
Egil had taken with (staying with him) two Easterners.
One named Thorir and the other Thorgrim They were on their first visit there,
(frum-ferill,= CV), popular and wealthy. They were skilled at arms and most
Starkaður átti hest góðan, rauðan að lit, og þótti þeim svo
sem engi hestur
mundi hafa við þeim í vígi.
Starkad owned a good stallion - red of color (?chestnut)
which everyone thoought was that no other could beat at
Einu hverju sinni var það að þeir bræður úr Sandgili voru
undir Þríhyrningi.
One particular time it was that the brothers from Sandgill were over at Threehorns
Þeir höfðu viðurmæli mikið um alla bændur í Fljótshlíð og þar kom að þeir
töluðu hvort nokkur mundi vilja etja hestum við þá.
They had discussed (talked of much) of all the farmers in Fljotshlið. and then it came to their discussion if there were anyone who would set their horse against theirs
En þeir menn voru að
mæltu það til sóma þeim og eftirlætis að bæði mundu
vera að engi mundi þora
við að etja enda mundi engi eiga þvílíkan hest.
But there were men there who said, to honour/flatter
them, not only no one would challenge because it was that no one owned a
horse that good
Þá svaraði Hildigunnur: "Veit eg þann mann er
þora mun að etja við yður."
Then replied Hildigun "I know of a man who would
dare to set his horse against yours
"Nefn þú þann," segja
"You name him" they say
Hún svarar: "Gunnar að Hlíðarenda á hest brúnan og mun hann þora að etja við
yður og við alla aðra."
She replies "Gunnar of Hliðarend has a dark
coloured (?black) stallion and he would dare to challenge
yours or any other"
"Svo þykir yður konum," segja þeir,
"sem engi muni vera hans maki. En þó að
auvirðilega hafi farið fyrir honum
Geir goði eða Gissur hvíti þá er eigi
ráðið að oss fari svo."
"Thus do you women think" they say "there is no one to be
his strength (or his equal) But even though so humiliated by him - were Geir
Priest and Gizur the White it is not so that we will be too (does not
necessarily follow)
"Yður mun first um fara," segir hún og varð
þeim af hin mesta deila.
"To you it would seem even worse" says she, and there was
with them greatest disagreement
Starkaður mælti: "Á Gunnar vildi
eg að þér leituðuð síst manna því að erfitt
mun yður verða að ganga í móti
giftu hans."
Starkað said " With Gunnar I want you Least
to seek a quarrel because it would be hard to go against his luck
"Leyfa munt þú oss að vér bjóðum honum hestaat?" segja þeir.
"But you will permit us to invite him to a Horsefight" they say
"Leyfa," segir hann, "ef þér prettið hann í öngu."
"I permit (this)" says he "if you promise to be
fair with him"
Þeir kváðust svo gera mundu.
They declared that they would do this