Njal Ch 45 part two Patricia's translation

From: Patricia Wilson
Message: 7851
Date: 2007-02-16

There were  a couple of words new to me - that seemed to be composed of other words - moðurætt - I could piece enough of it together to make Weak or flattened but I am not satisfied with the definition - MM&HP have given it as flat on your back  but I don't like that either - I am quibbling of course
"Laust þú mér nú," segir Skarphéðinn, "en þó skalt þú í móðurætt falla áður
við skiljum."
"You have struck at me now" says Skarpheðin "but even so (just the same) you will fall weak and tired  before we part  / are finished

"Það er illa þá," segir Sigmundur.
"That is ill/unfortunate" says Sigmund 

Skarphéðinn laust á hjálminn Sigmundar og hjó hann síðan banahögg.
Skarpheðin struck at the Helmet of Sigmund and he cut after that his death-blow
hjó á fótinn Skildi og tók af í ristarliðnum en Helgi lagði sverði í gegnum
hann og hafði hann þá bana.
Grim cut off Skjold's foot took it at the joint (ankle ?) and Helgi struck with a sword through him and from that he had his death

Skarphéðinn sá smalamann Hallgerðar.
Skarpheðin saw a Shepherd of Hallgerðs
Þá hafði hann höggvið höfuð af
It was then (by then) he had cut off Sigmund's head (quiet isn't it)
Hann seldi smalamanni í hendur höfuðið og bað hann færa Hallgerði
og kvað hana kenna mundu hvort það höfuð hefði kveðið níð um þá.
He shoved it into the  hand of the Shepherd and told him to bring it to Hallgerð and he said she would know how this was the head that had recited spite of them ?    The Brothers

Smalamaður kastaði niður þegar höfðinu er þeir skildu því að hann þorði eigi
meðan þeir voru við.
The Shepherd threw the head down when they are gone because he did not dare whilst they were there with (with him)
Þeir bræður fóru nú þar til er þeir fundu menn niðri
við Markarfljót og sögðu þeim tíðindin.
The brothers went on until they met some men down by Markar River and told them the tidings  (what had happened)
Lýsti Skarphéðinn vígi Sigmundar á
hendur sér en þeir Grímur og Helgi vígi Skjaldar sér á hendur. Fóru þeir þá
heim og sögðu Njáli tíðindin.
Sharpheðin announced that the death of Sigmund was at his hands and that at Grim and Helgi admitted that the death of Skjold was at their hands. They went then home and told Njal the news

Njáll mælti: "Njótið heilir handa. Hér skulu eigi sjálfdæmi fyrir koma að
svo búnu."
Njal spoke " Enjoy the benefit of your hands" here shall no self judgement go away (fyrir ??) it is custom (couldn't wriggle out of it now)

Nú er þar til máls að taka er smalamaður kemur heim til Hlíðarenda. Hann
segir Hallgerði tíðindin.
Now the story takes to the Shepherd who is come home to Hliðarend. He tells Hallgerð the news
"Fékk Skarphéðinn mér í hendur höfuð Sigmundar og bað mig færa þér en eg
þorði eigi að gera það," segir hann, "því að eg vissi eigi hversu þér mundi
það líka."
"Skarpheðin put into my hands the head of Sigmund and ordered me to bring it to you but I dared not do that" says he "for I did not know how you would take it"
(was he expecting Sympathy )

"Það var illa er þú gerðir það eigi," segir hún. "Eg skyldi færa Gunnari
höfuðið og mundi hann þá hefna frænda síns eða sitja fyrir hvers manns
"That was ill (unfortunate) you did not do it " says she " I could have taken it to Gunnar and he would then have had to avenge his kinsman or be reproached by everyone"

Síðan gekk hún til Gunnars og mælti: "Eg segi þér víg Sigmundar frænda þíns.
Hefir Skarphéðinn vegið hann og vildi láta færa mér höfuðið."
Afterwards she went to Gunnar and spoke " I tell you of the death of Sigmund your kinsman. Skarpheðin has killed him and wanted to send me the head"

"Slíks var Sigmundi von," segir Gunnar, "því að illa gefast ill ráð. En
jafnan gerir hvort ykkart Skarphéðins grálega til annars."
"Such would Sigmund expect" says Gunnar " because evil plans bring evil results and always have you two - Skarpheðin and you  - spite to one another"

Gekk þá Gunnar í braut. Hann lét ekki búa til vígsmálið og engan hlut að
hafa. Hallgerður minnti oft á og sagði Sigmund vera óbættan. Gunnar gaf ekki
gaum að því.
At that Gunnar went out. He did not prepare a Death/compensation case, he would have nothing to do with it. (to take no part).
Hallgerð remembered often and said Sigmund was unattoned (not the same as avenged- it has more legality) Gunnar paid no heed to this (to her words)
I have lost count - I shall have to make a list of bodies - some time - perhaps sooner rather than later
I would appreciate any advice - critique - whatever - I am not entirely happy with this one

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