Re: Odhroerir pronounciation

From: Eysteinn Bjornsson
Message: 7243
Date: 2006-10-06

--- "akoddsson" wrote:

> as anything which FJ maintains is important to me ;)

Well, I'm glad to hear it! Welcome to the club!

I have also noted, with interest, that Bugge agrees
with FJ (or the other way around, surely). He notes
the "-rerir", "-reri" spellings in Hávamál, and then
says: "I codd. af SnE. skrives navnet Óðrerir eller
Óðrærir, én gang i R Óðreyrir. Jfr. Þjóðreyrir Háv.
160, og maaske Mandsnavnet Rerir. Stammeordet kan
næppe være hroera." [Conclusion: "The basic word can
hardly be hroera".]

On the shoulders of giants, indeed.

> Copies of Snorra Edda (R ): reris R (Vellekla), reris (hooked e) W,
> roeris U, røris T; and in in 1:250: reyrir R, rerir TU, roerir W; in
> 218: reris R, røris T, etc..

As I have copies of all the "stafréttar útgáfur", I
would like to slightly correct the above - I don't think
that -oe- can be truly read from any of the mss.

Here's the lowdown, as I have it on all the 6 occasions
in Skáldskaparmál (order is RTWU):

1 -reyrir -rerir -rærer -rerir
2 -reris -røris -reris missing
3 -reri -rørir -reri missing
4 -reris -røris -reris missing
5 -reris -røris -re,ris -ræris
6 -reri missing -ræris -ræris

I should mention that ø often stands for œ in T
- but T is a very young ms (though copied from an
older one which must have been very closely
related to R) and it would be dangerous to form any
strict conclusions from this. In W, æ is is very
commonly written for e ('hæyra', etc.).

> otherwise, I think that he would
> have amended his text on just this point

Very probably. Almost certainly.

> the óðhrø'rir-option is still attractive, as it
> offers a plausible meaning

I see your point (and know this is more or less
accepted by most), but I can't help finding this
a VERY dangerous reason to accept anything in
the texts, when there are so many reasons to doubt.
My professor in Greek had me read Maas' "Textual
Criticism" many times, and never tired of reminding
me of the principle of the "lectio difficilis".
"Plausible" doesn't necesarily equal "correct",
and if we are to accept that a simple, transparent
word somehow whose to mutate into something quite
opaque, we'd better have very good reasons for
believing it! Just saying ...

> Otherwise, gaman að heyra í þér :)

Sömuleiðis! Ertu enn í Noregi að læra?
Ertu farinn að spila á sveitaböllum?
Wink, wink ;-)

Góðar stundir,

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