From: mike garcia
Message: 7218
Date: 2006-10-05
>oc eig ma<thorn>r i brysti
> Thanks's for that Mike. Here is the He<thorn>nalagh section of the West
> Gautish laws, which talks about duels in response to insults.
> Givr ma<thorn>r oquæ<thorn>ins or<eth> manni · <thorn>u ær æi mans maki
> · Ek ær ma<thorn>r sum <thorn>v · <thorn>eir skvlv møtaz a <thorn>riggiavægha motum · Cumbr
> <thorn>an or<eth> havr giuit oc <thorn>an cumbr eig <thorn>er or<eth>havr lutit · <thorn>a mvn han
> vara svm han heitir · ær eig ei<eth>gangr oc eig vitnisbær huarti firiman
> ælla kvnv · Cumbr oc <thorn>an or<eth> havr lutit oc eig <thorn>anor<eth> havr giuit · <thorn>a
> opar han <thorn>ry ni<thorn>ingx op oc markar han a iar<thorn>v ·<thorn>a se han ma<thorn>r <thorn>æss
> værri <thorn>et tala<thorn>i han eig halla <thorn>or<thorn>i · Nv møtaz<thorn>eir ba<thorn>ir mz fullum
> vapnvm · Faldr <thorn>an or<eth> havr lutit · gildr mz haluum gialdum ·Faldr
> <thorn>an or<eth> havr giuit · Gløpr or<eth>a værstr · Tungahouu<eth>bani · Liggi i
> vgildum acri ·__________________________________________________
> If a man gives insulting words to a man -- you are not equal to a man
> and not a man in your breast, (and the accused says) I'm (as much) a
> man as you -- then they must meet at a meeting of three ways. If the
> man comes who has given the words, and the man who received them does
> not come, then he will be what he is called. He is not able to give
> legal oaths or to act as a legal witness, neither for a man nor a
> woman. If he who received the words comes, but not the one who gave
> them, then he (the one who came) shall give a nithing's shout and make
> a mark on the earth. Then let him (the one who didn't come) be (so
> much) the worse a man who said what he did not dare to stick to. Now
> if they both meet with a full set if weapons, and the one who received
> the words falls, let him be paid for with a half wergild, but if the
> one who uttered the words falls -- "the crime of words (is) worst; the
> tongue is the death of the head" -- let him lie in the unatoned field
> (i.e. let him lie with no compensation paid to his kin).
> --- In, mike garcia <exavierstud@...>
> wrote:
> >
> > Heill llama,
> >
> > Here is a interesting article when the insults was given on how our
> kinred
> > in the past would of handled an insult or some dispute:
> >
> >
> >
> > Heill ok vel,
> >
> > Mike
> >
> > --- llama_nom <600cell@...> wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > Another article on insults:
> > >
> > >