Re: Njal end of 22 +23 / Alan's Translation

From: marcuspraetonius@...
Message: 7147
Date: 2006-09-27

i'm sorry i just started

---- AThompson <athompso@...> wrote:
> Here´s my translation. I would appreciate any comments on underlined
> text. I hope my translation is of some use to others. I have italicised
> bits which address questions raised by Grace (G) or Patricia´s (P)
> translations.
> I picked up a copy of MM & HP´s translation of Njála in good condition
> at a second-hand book fair last weekend – only $1.50 (Aust) which is
> about 60p! So now, if I underline some text, it means that even with MM
> & HP´s help I´m still not sure of the grammatical construction.
> Kveðja
> Alan
> En þegar er menn eru sofnaðir þá skuluð þér upp standa og fara
> hljóðlega,
> But immediately when (as soon as) people are fallen-asleep, then you
> (plural) shall stand (get) up and go silently,
> ganga út og bera söðla yðra í haga til hinna feitu hestanna og ríða þeim
> en
> walk out and carry your saddle into the grazing-field to the fat horses
> and ride those but
> láta hina eftir. Þér skuluð ríða upp úr búfjárhögum og vera þar þrjár
> nætur.
> leave (the) others (ie the lean ones) behind. You shall ride up out of
> the home-pastures and be (stay) there three nights.
> Svo nokkuru mun yðvar leita farið (what function is this performing in
> the sentence?) lengi. Síðan skuluð þér ríða heim suður og
> About so long will (one) search for you. Afterwards you shall ride home
> south and
> ríða um nætur en liggja um daga. En vér munum fara til þings og veita að
> ride during the nights and lie (low) (stay put) during the days. But we
> will go to (the) Thing and help
> málunum."
> in the cases.’
> Gunnar þakkaði honum og reið heim fyrst.
> Gunnar thanked him and rode home first.
> 23. kafli
> Chapter 23.
> Gunnar reið (P, past tense) heiman tveim nóttum síðar (G, later, compar
> of síð) og tveir menn með honum. Þeir riðu (P, past tense) þar
> Gunnar rode from home two nights later and (there were) two men with
> him. They rode until
> til er þeir komu á Bláskógaheiði. Þar riðu menn í móti þeim og spurðu
> hver
> they came to Blue-Wood-Heath. There people rode towards them and asked
> who
> sá væri (P, past subj) hinn mikli maður er svo lítt var sýndur.
> Förunautar hans sögðu að
> that-one, the tall man, were (was) who was so little revealed (visible).
> His travelling-companions said that
> þar var Kaupa-Héðin hinn mikli.
> there was Chapman-Héðin the tall.
> Þeir svöruðu: "Eigi er þar hins verra eftir von (ván) er slíkur fer
> fyrir. (could someone please parse this?)"
> They answered: ’(The) prospect is not of the worser (!) (man) behind
> when such (a man) goes in front. (One is unlikely to find a worse person
> riding behind such a man?)
> Héðinn lét þegar sem hann mundi á þá (G, acc pl of sá, rather than adv)
> ráða en þó fóru hvorir leið (P, noun) sína.
> Héðin pretended at-once as (if) he would attack them but nevertheless
> each went their (separate) way.
> Gunnar fór með öllu sem fyrir (G, I think this is for here rather than
> before) hann (acc?) var lagt og var á Höskuldsstöðum um nótt
> Gunnar went completely as was settled (planned) for him and was at
> Höskuld’s stead during (the) night
> og fór þaðan ofan eftir dal og kom á næsta bæ hjá Hrútsstöðum. Þar lét
> hann
> and journeyed from there down along the dale and came to the next
> farmstead adjacent to Hrút’s Steads. There he offered
> falt (G, neut of falr,, for sale) smíðið og seldi þrjá smíðisgripi.
> Bóndi fann að á var smíðinu og
> for-sale the craft-works and sold three craft-works-of value. (The)
> farmer noticed that (it) was defective in the craft-works (ie the goods
> were faulty) and
> kallaði fals (G, P, noun) í. Héðinn réð þegar á bónda. Það var sagt
> Hrúti og sendi hann
> claimed deceit in (the matter). Heðin immediately attacked (the) farmer.
> That was said to Hrút and he sent
> eftir Héðni. Hann fór þegar á fund Hrúts og hafði þar góðar viðtökur.
> for Héðin. He went at-once to a meeting of Hrút and had there good
> reception.
> Skipaði Hrútur honum gegnt sér og fór orðtak þeirra sem Njáll gat til.
> Þá
> Hrút arranged (seated) him opposite himself and their exchange-of-words
> went as Njál (had) guessed (predicted). Then
> sagði Hrútur honum hversu upp skyldi taka málið og stefndi fyrir málinu
> en
> Hrút said to him how (one) should take up the case and gave-notice of
> the case but
> hann mælti eftir og stefndi rangt. Þá brosti Hrútur og grunaði ekki. Þá
> he (Gunnar) spoke afterwards and gave-notice incorrectly. Then Hrút
> smiled and (but) suspected nothing. Then
> mælti hann að Hrútur skyldi stefna í annað sinn. Svo gerði Hrútur.
> Héðinn
> he (Gunnar) spoke that Hrút should give-notice for a second time. Hrút
> did so. Héðin
> stefndi þá í annað sinn og stefndi þá rétt og vitnaði undir förunauta
> (P, not the subject) sína
> gave-notice then for a second time and gave-notice then correctly and
> called his travelling-companions as witnesses
> að hann stefndi handseldri sök Unnar Marðardóttur. Hann fór til svefns
> um
> that he gave-notice (by proxy) in (the) handed-over case of Unn Mörð’s
> daughter. He went to sleep during
> kveldið (G, def art attached) sem aðrir menn.
> the evening like other people.
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