From: Fred and Grace Hatton Message: 7062 Date: 2006-09-12
I am still wondering if we are talking about money or livestock here.
Dassent has money, but if you think of Gunnar's investment - - in land.
There would be livestock on it or it wouldn't produce much. And how do you
get interest on land unless it is paid in silver or products?
20. kafli
Njáll hét maður. Hann var sonur Þorgeirs gollnis Þórólfssonar. Móðir Njáls
hét Ásgerður.
A man was called Njal. He was a son of Þorgeir gull? or of the claw?, son
of Þórólf. Njal's mother was called Asgerd.
Hún var dóttir Áskels hersis hins ómálga. Hún hafði komið út hingað til
Íslands og
She was a daughter of Askel local chief, the silent. She had come out
hither to Iceland and
numið land fyrir austan Markarfljót milli Öldusteins og Seljalandsmúla.
Sonur hennar var
took land east of Markarfljot between Stone of the Ages and Seal Land's
mull. Her son was
Holta-Þórir faðir þeirra Þorleifs kráks, er Skógverjar eru frá komnir, og
Þorgríms hins
Lame Þórir, father of those Þorleif crows, who are come from Forest Defense,
and of Þorgrim the
mikla og Þorgeirs skorargeirs.
great and Þorgeir cutting-spear.
Njáll bjó að Bergþórshvoli í Landeyjum. Annað bú átti hann í Þórólfsfelli.
Njáll var vel
Njal lived at Rock Thor's Hillock in Country Islands. He had another house
in Þórólf's hill. Njall was very
auðigur að fé og vænn maður yfirlits en sá hlutur var á ráði hans að honum
óx eigi skegg.
wealthy as to valuables and a handsome man of appearance and (his) lot was
such that it turned out that to him grew no beard.
Hann var lögmaður svo mikill að engi var hans jafningi, vitur og forspár,
heilráður og
He was a law man so great that none was his equal, wise and foresightful (if
that's a word), giving good counsel, and
góðgjarn og varð allt að ráði það er hann réð mönnum, hógvær og drenglyndur,
benevolent and occurred all to turn out that he advised to men, calm and
generous, far-sighted
og langminnigur. Hann leysti hvers manns vandræði er á hans fund kom.
and having a long memory. He helped every man in distress (Z) who came to
meet him.
Bergþóra hét kona hans. Hún var Skarphéðinsdóttir, kvenskörungur mikill og
His wife was called Bergthora. She was a daughter of Skarphéðin, a very
stately woman and noble-minded
góður og nokkuð skaphörð. Þau Njáll áttu sex börn, þrjá sonu og þrjár dætur
og koma
good and somewhat severe. They (she and) Njal had six children, three sons
and three daughters and they all
þeir allir við þessa sögu.
come with this saga.
21. kafli
Nú er þar til máls að taka er Unnur hefir látið allt lausaféið. Hún gerði
heiman ferð sína
Now is there to take (up the ) story where Unn has given up all movable
property. She made her trip from home
til Hlíðarenda og tók Gunnar vel við frændkonu sinni og var hún þar um
nóttina. Um
to H. and Gunnar received (her) well with his female relatives and she was
there over night.
daginn eftir sátu þau úti og töluðu. Kom þar niður tal hennar að hún sagði
honum hversu
On the next day they sat outside and talked. (It) came down there to her
tale that she told him how
þungt henni féll til fjár.
(it) fell heavily on her concerning money (or livestock?)
"Illa er það," sagði hann.
"It is bad," said he.
"Hver úrræði vilt þú veita mér?" sagði hún.
"What help do you wish to grant me?" said she.
Hann svaraði: "Haf þú fé svo mikið sem þú þarft er eg á á leigustöðum."
He answered, "You (will) have money as much as you need which I have at
"Eigi vil eg það," segir hún, "að eyða fé þínu."
"I don't want it, " says she, "to deprive (you) of your money."
"Hversu vilt þú þá?" segir hann.
"What do you wish then?" says he.
"Eg vil að þú heimtir fé mitt undan Hrúti," segir hún.
"I want that you bring home my (livestock from summer pastures or) money
away from Hrut," says she.
"Eigi þykir mér það vænt," segir hann, "þar er faðir þinn fékk eigi heimt og
var hann
"It doesn't seem to me hopeful," says he, "there where your father didn't
make claim and he was
lögmaður mikill en eg kann lítt til laga."
a great law man but I know little concerning laws."
Hún svaraði: "Meir þreytti Hrútur það með kappi en með lögum en faðir minn
var gamall
She answered, "Hrut prosecuted it more with obstinancy than with laws but my
father was old
og þótti mönnum því það ráð að þeir þreyttu það ekki með sér. Enda er sá
engi minn
and seemed to men that it advice that they prosecuted it not with each
other?. And is none of my
frændi að gangi í þetta mál ef þú hefir eigi þrek til."
relatives to pursuit in this case if you have no courage to (do so)."