Re: Njal end of chapt 11, beginning chapt 12

From: Blanc Voden
Message: 6793
Date: 2006-07-28

Hi there Alan,

Sea room is sometimes berth also? Here its the sailor's living space
on board the skiff.

Thanks Uoden ON-Amateur

--- In, "AThompson" <athompso@...>
> Here's my translation. Help appreciated on underlined text. I hope
> translation is of some use to others.
> Kveðja
> Alan
> Þjóstólfur gekk að og sá að hún var særð í andlitinu og
mælti: "Hví ert
> þú
> Þjóstólf went to (her) and saw that she was wounded on the face and
> spoke: `Why are you
> svo illa leikin?"
> so badly treated?'
> "Þorvaldur veldur því bóndi minn," sagði hún, "og stóðst þú mér þá
> fjarri ef (this conjunction doesn't seem appropriate for what
follows, I
> would have exspected `er' when)
> `Þorvald causes that, my husband,' said she, `and you stood further
> (apart) from me then if
> þér þætti nokkuð undir um mig."
> (it would) seem to you of something of importance concerning me.'
> "Eg vissi eigi," segir hann, "en þó skal eg þessa hefna."
> 'I knew not,' he says, 'but still I shall avenge this.'
> Síðan gekk hann á braut og til fjöru og hratt fram skipi sexæru og
> í
> Afterwards he went away and to (the) fore-shore and pushed forth a
> of six-oars and had in
> hendi öxi mikla er hann átti, vafinskeftu. Hann stígur á skip og
rær út
> í
> (his) hand a large axe which he owned, an iron-bound-handled-axe.
> steps onto the ship and rows out to
> Bjarneyjar. Og er hann kom þar voru allir menn rónir nema
Þorvaldur og
> Bear Islands. And when he came there, all men were (had) rowed
> except Þorvald and
> förunautar hans. Hann var að hlaða skútuna en þeir báru á út, menn
> his travelling-companions. He was loading the skiff but they
> (goods) on out, his men.
> Þjóstólfur kom að í því og hljóp upp á skútuna og hlóð með honum og
> mælti:
> Þjólsólf came to (him) in that (moment) and leapt up onto the
skiff and
> loaded with him and spoke:
> "Bæði ert þú að þessu lítilvirkur og óhagvirkur."
> `You are at this (work) both unproductive and unskilled.'
> Þorvaldur mælti: "Hyggst þú munu betur gera?"
> Þorvald spoke: 'Do you think you will (can) do better?'
> "Það eitt munum við að hafast að eg mun betur gera en þú," segir
> Þjóstólfur,
> `We (two) will engage in that one (thing) that I will do better
> you,' says Þjóstólf,
> "og er sú kona illa gift er þú átt og skyldu ykkrar samfarar
> vera."
> 'and that woman is badly given-in-marriage who you have and your
> marital-relationship should be short-lived.'
> Þorvaldur þreif upp handsax eitt er var hjá honum og leggur til
> Þjóstólfs.
> Þorvald caught up a certain dagger which was (lying) beside him and
> stabs towards Þjóstólf.
> Þjóstólfur hafði öxina á öxl sér og laust á mót og kom á hönd
> og
> Þjóstólf had the axe on his shoulder and struck in exchange and
> came onto (the) arm of Þorvald and
> brotnaði handleggurinn en saxið féll niður. Síðan færði Þjóstólfur
> öxina
> the fore-arm broke and the dagger fell down. After-that Þjóstólf
> up the axe
> í annað sinn og hjó í höfuð Þorvaldi og hafði hann þegar bana.
> a second time and hewed into Þorvald's head and he had (suffered)
> at once
> 12. kafli
> Chapter 12
> Þá fóru þeir ofan, menn Þorvalds, með byrðarnar. Þjóstólfur tók
til ráða
> Then they journey down, Þorvald's men, with the burden (load).
> made a decision
> skjótt. Höggur hann þá tveim höndum borð skútunnar og gekk sundur
> um
> quickly. He cuts then with two hands (the) side of the skiff and
> side went down about
> tvö rúm, og hljóp í skip sitt. En á skútunni féll inn sær kolblár
> sökk
> two `rooms'/spaces (?), and leapt into his ship. But into the skiff
> flowed the coal-black sea and she sank
> hún niður með öllum farminum. Þar sökk og niður lík Þorvalds og
> down with all (her) load. There also sank down Þorvald's body and
> förunautar hans eigi sjá hversu hann var til ger en hitt vissu
þeir að
> hann
> his travelling-companions might (could) not see how he was done to
> (treated) but that they knew, that he
> var dauður.
> was dead.
> Þjóstólfur reri inn á fjörðinn en þeir báðu hann illa fara og
> Þjóstólf rowed inside to the fjord but they bade him fare badly and
> never
> þrífast. Hann svaraði engu og reri inn á fjörðinn og þar til er
hann kom
> prosper. He answered nothing and rowed inside to the fjord and
until he
> came
> heim og brýndi upp skipinu og gekk heim og hafði uppi öxina og var
> back and drew-up the ship and went home and had the axe up
(raised) and
> she (it) was
> blóðug mjög.
> very bloody.
> A Norse funny farm, overrun by smart people.
> --
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