Hi, Steve,
it's a comforting idea that I'm not alone here who's just the beginner!
I'm trying to get through the first lesson...
As for your questing:
Frankly speaking I read everywhere "r" as a rolling one. But I've read an article where the sound /r/ in the end of a word grafically marked like R. And they say that it sould be read like voiced sound /sh/.
As for Ulfr, I read it like a rolling sound. But now I have a strong doubt about it...
The most distressing thing for me is that I can't read all the symbols the people use here!!!!!!!
Different fonts - always troubles with the decoding the written things!!!
Try to open the enclosure. I tried to use the phonetic symbols.
> Sure, I'm a newbie also and would like to have a study partner
> Steve
> >From: Ulf of Forgotten Sea
> >Reply-To: norse_course@yahoogroups.com
> >To: norse_course@yahoogroups.com
> >Subject: [norse_course] newbie question
> >Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 12:39:36 -0700 (PDT)
> >
> >Hello all,
> > I am trying to learn a little old Norse and i have a question
> >i understand that ON uses word endings to indicate whether a word is masc
> >or fem but does that change is pronunciation ? ex Ulfr if it has r at
> >end is the r silent ?
> >
> !
> also if any other new folks would like to work together or just talk
> >give me a shout
> >
> > thanks for the help
> > Ulf of Forgotten Sea
> >
> >
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