Njal's Saga - Chapter four and par of Five Patricia's Effort

From: Patricia
Message: 6521
Date: 2006-06-16

4. kafli chapter four

Um vorið spurði hann til Sóta að hann var farinn suður til Danmerkur með
erfðina. Þá

gekk Hrútur á fund Gunnhildar og segir henni frá ferðum Sóta.

In Spring he (Hrut ) Learned of Soti that he had gone South to Denmark with the inheritance. Then Hrut went to meet /see Gunnhild and tells her of Soti's movements

Gunnhildur mælti: "Eg mun fá þér tvö langskip skipuð mönnum og þar með hinn

hraustasta mann, Úlf óþveginn, gestahöfðingja vorn. En þó gakk þú að finna
konung áður þú farir."

Gunnhild said " I will give you two longships with crews and with them a powerful man - Ulf the unwashed  (o+þveginn) the Chief of our guests (most likely the Chief Hit-Man). But you must go to see the King before you travel/depart

Hrútur gerði svo. Og er hann kom fyrir konung þá segir hann konungi um ferð
Sóta og það með að hann ætlar eftir honum að halda.

Hrut did (just) so, and when he came before the King - he spoke to the King of Soti's movements and that he decided to go after (?) him - go in pursuit 

Konungur mælti: "Hvern styrk hefir móðir mín til lagið með þér?"
Hrútur svarar: "Langskip tvö og fyrir liðinu Úlf óþveginn."

The King said "what strength / assistance  had my mother given you. Hrut replied "Two Longships and Ulf the un-washed ot take charge" - or to lead

Konungur mælti: "Vel er þar til fengið. Nú vil eg fá þér önnur tvö langskip
og munt þú þó þurfa þessa liðs alls."

The King said "well are you provided for - Now I will give to you another two longships and you will have need of all strength

Síðan fylgdi hann Hrúti til skips og mælti: "Farist þér nú vel."
Síðan sigldi Hrútur liði sínu suður.

Then he accompanied Hrut to his ship and said "May you fare well" Hrut sailed south  with his men

5. kafli chapter five

Atli hét maður. Hann var sonur Arnviðar jarls úr Gautlandi hinu eystra. Hann
var hermaður mikill og lá úti austur í Leginum. Hann hafði átta skip.

A man called Atli. He was the son  of Earl Arnvid of Gotland - to the/in the - East  He was a  great warrior and lived out East in Leginum (?) he had eight ships

Faðir hans hafði haldið sköttum fyrir Hákoni Aðalsteinsfóstra og stukku þeir feðgar til Gautlands úr

His father had withheld tribute from Haakon (King) Athelstan's Fosterson and (they) fled - father and son to Gotland from Jamtaland (was part of Sweden)

Atli hélt liðinu úr Leginum út um Stokkssund og svo suður til Danmerkur og
liggur úti í Eyrasundi.

Atli sailed his fleet out from Leginum amd through Stokks Sound and so South to Denmark, and lay in EyraSound

Hann var og útlagi bæði Danakonungs og Svíakonungs af ránum og
manndrápum er hann hafði gert í hvorutveggja ríkinu.

He was outlawed by both Kings of Denmark and of Sweden for his plunderings and killings (manslaughtering) (perhaps murders would be better)   that he had committed in Both their kingdoms

Hrútur hélt suður til Eyrasunds. Og er hann kom í sundið sér hann fjölda
skipa í sundinu.

Hrut held south to Eyrasound and when he came (into) the sound he saw a great number of ships there

Þá mælti Úlfur: "Hvað skal nú til ráða taka Íslendingur?"
"Halda fram ferðinni," Segir Hrútur, "því að ekki dugir ófreistað.

Then said Ulf "What shall (be) now your advice to take Icelander - (what is to be done now)  Hold a forward course said Hrut (because no help from no trying ????? i.e. nothing venture nothing gain)

 Skal skip
okkar Össurar fara fyrst en þú skalt leggja fram sem þér líkar."

Shall the ship (myself) together (the two) and Ossur go first and you shall follow as you please

"Sjaldan hefi eg haft aðra að skildi fyrir mér," segir Úlfur.

Seldom (Gordon) have I had others to sheild before me" said Ulf   (unwashed but extremely brave)

Leggur hann fram skeiðina jafnfram skipi Hrúts og halda svo fram í sundið.

Placed he his course evenly alongside Hrut's ship and they kept this way into the Sound

Nú sjá þeir er í sundinu eru að skip fara að þeim og segja Atla til.

Now saw they in the sound - there were ships approaching them and they told Atli

Harald Greycloak seems much under Mamma's influence - there might have been a reason for this - he may have been very young when we lost Eirik Bloodaxe and Mom was a sort of Regent - Figure.

She sure is one Hellova Lady



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