Re: Njal's Sage Chapter three part three (local boy makes good)

From: Blanc Voden
Message: 6511
Date: 2006-06-13

Salue Patricia,
Cet-ci pour toi,

"á hálfmánaðar fresti" is topped by: every fortnight.

"nafnbót" is title
til-mæli: are request

Land'sSiður the countrified ethics > sidus confirm goth.Ask LN

halda e-m kost: provide with food and shelter/lodgings.

veisla < veizla < veittsla referring apparently to prey (veið'ina).
feast as beast is animal.

"má það sannast" may become true, but "mun" will probably come true.

sit þú : polite/friendly/smoothly mode : > stay seated

vera í boði mínu: at my command; She commands "boðar" but we
invite "bjóðum"

You shall sleep, in the alcove (with a roof?) by me tonight and we
two together. >Understatement.
See loft'i dative governes datíve. í (inside) Preposition "á" gives
over or on .

HafnarVoð is "voð" to use in overcoats.
vararfeldir were furs/fells, with which one could trade repeatedly,
like currency.

"Æ sér gjöf gjalda" Always shall one pay ones presents.
Or take nothing for granted. Household fee.


Blanc Uoden
no knitter

--- In, "Patricia"
<originalpatricia@...> wrote:
> "Svo þykir mér sem móðir mín vilji að þú fáir nafnbót slíka sem þú
> til.
> "It seems to me my Mother wants you to have the rank for which you
are asking
> En fyrir tignar sakir vorrar og landssiðar þá kom þú til vor á
> mánaðar fresti. Skalt þú þá gerast hirðmaður minn en móðir mín
haldi þér
> kost þar til og kom síðan á minn fund."
> But for reasons of Our Dignity and customs of the land then you
come to us at a half-month's respite/delay. You shall then be made
my King's Man and my mother will (look after) keep you til then you
come afterwards to meet me
> Gunnhildur mælti við Ögmund: "Fylg þeim til húsa minna og ger þeim
þar góða
> veislu."
> Gunnhild spoke with Ogmund "Accompany them to my house and make
them a great banquet
> Ögmundur gekk út og þeir með honum og fylgdi hann þeim í eina
steinhöll. Þar
> var tjaldað hinum fegursta borða. Þar var og hásæti Gunnhildar.
> Ogmund went out and they (went) with him to a certain (one
particular) Stone Hall there was hung the most beautiful
Tapestry/Embroidery. There was also Gunnhilds high-seat
> Þá mælti Ögmundur: "Nú mun það sannast er eg sagði þér frá
Gunnhildi. Hér er
> hásæti hennar og skalt þú í setjast og halda mátt þú þessu sæti þó
að hún
> komi sjálf til."
> Then spoke Ogmund "Now may it be affirmed what I said to you of
Gunnhild this is her (own) high-seat and you (are to) sit in it and
you can keep it though she is here (herself)
> Síðan veitti hann þeim veislu. Þeir höfðu skamma hríð setið áður
þar kom
> Gunnhildur. Hrútur vildi upp spretta og fagna henni.
> Afterwards he made them a Banquet/Feast. They had been sitting
only a short while before Gunnhild came in. Hrut wanted to jump up
and welcome her.
> Well how did Ogmund know this - was it a rule for Gunnhild to want
to entertain goodlooking Guests.
> "Sit þú," segir hún, "og skalt þú jafnan þessu sæti halda þá er þú
ert í
> boði mínu."
> "Sit you" (command mode) and you shall always keep this seat while
you are here (as honoured guest??)
> Síðan settist hún hjá Hrúti og drukku þau. Og um kveldið mælti
hún: "Þú
> skalt sofa í lofti hjá mér í nótt og við tvö saman."
> Afterwards she sits alongside Hrut amd they drank/were drinking
and in the evening she spoke "You shall lie with me (upstairs)
tonight and (just ) with two together
> "Þér skuluð ráða," sagði hann.
> "You shall decide" said he (good - that's my boy)
> Síðan gengu þau til svefns og læsti hún þegar loftinu innan og
sváfu þau þar
> um nóttina. Um morguninn eftir fóru þau til drykkju. Og allan þann
> mánuð lágu þau í loftinu tvö ein.
> Afterwards they went to sleep (it says) and she locked (wise girl)
the upper room from inside and there they slept for the night
(maybe - bolted the door would be more like)
> Þá mælti Gunnhildur við þá menn er þar voru: "Þér skuluð engu
fyrir týna
> nema lífinu ef þér segið nokkurum frá um hagi vora."
> Then spoke Gunnhild with her men (the staff) who were there "you
shall lose nothing but your life if you tell anyone about this
> Made them an offer they could not refuse
> Hrútur gaf henni hundrað álna hafnarvoðar og tólf vararfeldi.
> þakkaði honum gjöfina. Hrútur gekk í braut og minntist við hana
áður og
> þakkaði henni. Hún bað hann vel fara.
> Hrut gave her a hundred ells (?well lengths anyway) of woven cloth
and twelve cloaks (varafeldi seems to be of best quality - homespun
but worthy - sturdy but warm) Gunnhild thanked him for his gifts
> Hrut went away but kissed her before - and thanked her. She bade
him Fare Well
> Um daginn eftir gekk Hrútur fyrir konung við þrjá tigu manna og
> konung.
> During the day after Hrut went before the king with (a party) of
thirty men and greeted the King
> Konungur mælti: "Nú munt þú vilja að eg efni við þig Hrútur það
sem eg hét
> þér."
> Gerði konungur þá Hrút hirðmann sinn.
> The King spoke "Now you will want ne to keep my promise to you"
the King then made Hrut his King'sMan
> **CHEERS!!**
> Hrútur mælti þá: "Hvar vísið þér mér til sætis?"
> "Móðir mín skal því ráða," sagði konungur.
> Hrut asked then "would you show me where I may sit" "My Mother
shall decide" said the King
> Síðan fékk hún honum hinn sæmilegasta sess og var hann með konungi
> veturinn vel metinn.
> Afterwards she gave to him the most honoured/honourable seat and
he was with the King the the (entire) Winter well honoured /
> Gods - it was amazing what you could get away with if you were
> Kveðja
> Patricia

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