Quote from Shakespeare Taming of the Shrew -
"They call me Katherine that do speak if me"
Well - for my Part =
"They call me Patricia that do speak of me"
Called Pat as a child - hated it - my stepfather said Patricia was too Refined - too Posh
Ek Heiti Patricia - OK
Ek em Patricia kalladr
Will that do - my grammar may not be perfect but my intent is pure
-------Original Message-------
Date: 06/07/06 17:54:34
Subject: [norse_course] Re: Spout
Hi there Pat?
Woman named Patrisía could be called Pat (Pattí) here in Iceland.
"Nafnið mit er ... "is an exemple of phrase taboo in Icelandic.
"Mit nafn er ..." also.
Instead we say "ég heiti ... " for: My name is ...
My pondering is that the meaning of name earlier was full name with title, Like John baker the name of John.
Whereas "heiti" is a promise or solemn wish to be fulfilled.
Like the dative (receiver) of many names: Jór-unn'i, Þór-unn'i, Sig- urð'i, Ólaf'i,....
Sounds/appears like optative (subjonctive) .
Thanks Uoden
"Siggi", "Óli", we call "Sigurð" og "Ólaf". We do(did) not baptize/name Óli, and Siggi. Man in my age named "Óli" is definatly from other country originally.
Sóti is só short that is has no specific vocative I reckon.