From: Patricia
Message: 6358
Date: 2006-05-24
Bogi. A Bow
This is so in German. I have a collection of phrases - words and stuff - written down somewhere - it relates to the Similarities of languages that appear to have similar roots, I have seen German - like words crop up in Old Norse and Icelandic too now German has Regen-bogen for rain bow.
Linguistics - happens to be hobby of mine more than any thing
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Allow me to thank you for your help and tolerance. In the mediocre Icelandic-English Dictionary I consulted, the first the meaning of "Leit'a á" was "to make a pass at" "attack" came later. "áLeitinn" is pushy not necessarily sexually. We have similar idiom: "Sjá sér leik á borði". As an opportunity is given > we grab it. Blanc Uoden Óðinn gave us (here) the three colored rainbow. Now Icelandic "Ó" is not "grant"=thin it is broad or like ouu=oú. ouu>og(h) is one kind of transforming naturally long sound. Só Bouu became Bogh(point)=Boghi spelled and uttered officially as Bogi. a Bow or "Bogi". Icelandic Ú (as in y'ou) is diphtongue, but if it were separable we would have Ú=uú, were "u" is "grant" and grant. u as in "d'eux" Obey! Oath: it Sounds like "óðð" The meaning of "og(h)" is in likeness of "ó" I reckon. --- In, "llama_nom" <600cell@...> wrote: | |||