According to their website, they have two more CDs out:
Another great book and CD is Svarta Jordens Sång:
Sequentia has done two CDs of the Eddas:
Also, just Google Viking Music and see what pops up
David Bahler wrote:
> It is convenient that you posted this. Recently i have recieved a CD that is
> an attampted reconstruction of viking music (Krauka, Vikinga Seidhur) and
> those are the words to one of the songs entitled Egils Digt. If anyone
> happens to know the words to any of the other songs, i would certainly like
> to know.
> Also if anyone knows anything about Norse viking age music, i would be
> interested in that as well.
>>From: "llama_nom" <600cell@...>
>>Reply-To: norse_course@yahoogroups.com
>>To: norse_course@yahoogroups.com
>>Subject: [norse_course] ˛at mÊlti mÌn mÛir (performed by Rauir fiskar)
>>Date: Sun, 07 May 2006 06:24:28 -0000
>>It's at times like this I wish I remembered what my mother said to
>>me. Failing that, hear what Egill SkallagrÌmsson's mother said to him
>>[ http://www.heimskringla.no/islandsk/mp3/index.php ]. Just ever so
>>slightly creepy ;) <---but with bigger madder eyes. You've been
>>fiat mÊlti mÌn mÛir,
>>at mÈr skyldi kaupa
>>fley ok fagrar ·rar,
>>fara · braut me vÌkingum,
>>standa upp Ì stafni,
>>st˝ra d˝rum knerri,
>>halda sv· til hafnar
>>hˆggva mann ok annan.
>>My mother said that a ship and many oars should be bought for me to
>>go off with vikings, stand up in the prow, steer a fine vessel, set
>>sail for harbour, hew one man after another.
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