From: Blanc Voden
Message: 6277
Date: 2006-05-06
>(have at
> Hrafnkell reið heim ok sagði tíðendi þessi. Hann etr mat, ok
> H. rode home and told these tidings. He eats food and
> eptir þat safnar hann mönnum at sér, svá at hann fær sjau tigu
> after it he gathers men to himself, so that he would make use of
> his disposal)power
> manna, ok ríðr við þetta vestr yfir heiði ok kemr á óvart til
> 17 men, and rides with these west over (the) heath and takes A.
> Aðalbóls, tekr Sám í rekkju ok leiðir hann út.
> by surprise (Gordon), captures Sam in bed and leads him out.
> 830 Hrafnkell mælti þá: 'Nú er svá komit kosti þínum, Sámr,
> H. spoke then, "Now is so come your choice, Sam,
> at þér mundi ólíkligt þykkja fyrir stundu, at ek á nú vald á lífi
> that you would think unlikely a while ago (Zoega), that I have now
> uponwere to
> þínu. Skal ek nú eigi vera þér verri drengr en þú vart mér.
> your life. Shall I now not be to you worse a gallant man than you
> me?although to
> Mun ek bjóða þér tvá kosti: at vera drepinn-hinn er annarr,
> I will offer you two choices, to be slain - this is another,
> at ek skal einn skera ok skapa okkar í milli.'
> that I alone shall decide (skera ok skapa -Zoega) between us."
> 835 Sámr kvazk heldr kjósa at lifa, en kvazk þó hyggja, at
> Sam said of himself (he would) rather choose to live, but said
> think, thatthis were
> hvárrtveggi mundi harðr.
> would ( be) hard for both of them.
> Hrafnkell kvað hann þat ætla mega, -- 'því at vér eigum þér
> H. said he is able to wish it, " because we have you
> þat at launa, ok skylda ek hálfu betr við þik gera, ef þess væri
> to thank for it, and should I do twice as much better with you, if
>go away
> vert. Þú skalt fara brott af Aðalbóli ofan til Leikskála, ok sezk
> worth (while? I didn't get the sense of this section). You shall
> from A. over to Play Sheds and sit yourselfpossessions, that E.
> 840 þar í bú þitt. Skaltu hafa með þér auðofi þau, sem Eyvindr
> there in your farmstead. You shall have with you those
>I wish to
> hafði átt. Þú skalt ekki heðan fleira hafa í fémunum útan þat,
> had had. You shall not henceforward have more in money beyond that
> er þú hefir hingat haft. Þat skaltu allt í brottu hafa. Ek vil taka
> which you have hitherto had. You shall have it all (taken?)away.
> takeresidence. I see
> við goðorði mínu, svá ok við búi ok staðfestu. Sé ek, at mikill
> with my chieftain's authority, so and with inhabitants and
> that muchit.
> ávöxtr hefir á orðit á gózi mínu, ok skaltu ekki þess njóta.
> growth has happened to my goods, and you shall not have the use of
>you have
> 845 Fyrir Eyvind, bróður þinn, skulu engar botr koma, fyrir því
> For E., your brother, shall no compensations come, because
> at þú mæltir herfiliga eptir inn fyrra frænda þinn, ok hafi þér
> you speak harshly after the former relative of yours, and you have
> ornar botr þó eptir Einar, frænda yðvarn, þar er þú hefir haft
> enough compensations nevertheless after E, your kinsman, whereas
> hadseems to
> ríki ok fé sex vetr. En eigi þykki mér meira vert dráp Eyvindar
> power and wealth six winters. But (the) killing of E. and his men
> me worth moreat Play
> ok manna hans en meizl við mik ok minna manna. Þú gerðir
> than (the) injury with me and my men. You did
> 850 mik sveitarrækan, en ek læt mér líka, at þú sitir á Leikskálum,
> drive me from the district, but I let it please me, that you sit
> Sheds,underling
> ok mun þat duga, ef þú ofsar þér eigi til vansa. Minn undirmaðr
> and that will suffice if you do not puff yourself up to shame. My
>this, that
> skaltu vera, meðan vit lifum báðir. Máttu ok til þess ætla, at
> shall you be, as long as we both live. You may also think to
> þú munt því verr fara, sem vit eigumsk fleira illt við.'
> you will fare worse with (it) as you deal with for your self more
> Sámr ferr nú brott með lið sitt ofan til Leikskála ok sezk
> Now Sam goes away with his company down to Play Sheds and sits
> Fred and Grace Hatton
> Hawley Pa