Re: Hrafnkell 791-825 / Comments for Patricia

From: AThompson
Message: 6256
Date: 2006-04-30



Coments inserted





-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of
Saturday, 29 April 2006 2:58 AM
Subject: Fw: [norse_course] Hrafnkell 791-825
Patricia's attempt Hrafnkell 791 - 825



----- Original Message -----

From: AThompson


Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 11:09 AM

Subject: RE: [norse_course] Hrafnkell 791-825


Here’s the next instalment of Hrafnkel’s Saga. Will the stones be enough to save the day?

I doubt it says Patricia




<Alan    ( and also Patricia)


Hrafnkell snýr þá af götunni (gata, path) ok suðr at torfunni. Hann
hafði engi orð (plural) við Eyvind ok veitti (veita, gave, in this sense launched) þegar atgöngu. (noun)

Hrafnkell  turns there off the (rocks?)  and South on the Turfground

he had no word with Eyvind and (vaetti) immediately to attack


varðisk vel ok drengiliga. Skósveinn Eyvindar þóttisk ekki
kröptugr til orrostu ok tók hest sinn ok ríðr vestr yfir háls til
Aðalbóls ok segir Sámi, hvat leika (note: gen plural) er.

Eyvind defended himself well and nobly. Servantboy of Eyvind thought himself

not strong to battle and took his horse and rides west over the (def art not in text) ridge to

Adalbol and tells to Sam what was the game (leika)


795 Sámr brá skjótt við ok sendi (past) eptir mönnum. Urðu þeir
saman tuttugu. Var þetta lið vel búit. Ríðr Sámr austr á
heiðina ok at þar, er vættfangit hafði verit.

Sam moved quickly with (this) and sends after/for his men they were twenty together

It was a band well equipped - Sam rides east onto the Heath to where the battlefield had been

Þá er umskipti á orðit með þeim. Reið Hrafnkell þá austr
frá verkunum (plural, deeds (of the battle)).

Then (at that time) the exchange (conflict) had come to thie (to an end)

Rides Hrafnkell  then east from the work (?? The or his work)


800 Eyvindr var þá (then) fallinn ok allir hans menn.

Eyvind was there fallen and all his men


Sámr gerði þat fyrst, at hann leitaði lífs með bróður sínum,

Sam did this first to search for life with his brother (see comments in my translation)

Var þat trúliga gört:

This was thoroughly done (i.e.H had done a thorough job of it) (see comments in my translation)


þeir váru allir líflátnir, fimm saman.

They were all lifeless - Five together


Þar váru ok fallnir af Hrafnkeli tólf menn, en sex riðu brott.
There were also fallen twelve of Hrafnkell's men and six rode away


Sámr átti þar litla dvöl, bað menn ríða þegar eptir. Ríða 805
þeir nú eptir þeim ok hafa þó mœdda hesta.
Sam had there little delay - bade his men ride immediately after

Ride they now after them they have weary horses


Þá mælti (past) Sámr: ' (reach) megum (may) vér þeim, því at þeir hafa
mœdda hesta, en vér höfum alla hraða, ok mun nálægt
verða, hvárt vér nám (reach) þeim eða eigi, áðr en þeir komask af

Then says Sam " Have strength we of them for they have weary horses and ours are all rested (not literal)

and it will be close whether we (Get / Catch)them or not before they come down from the heath


810 Þá var Hrafnkell kominn austr yfir Oxamýri.

Then (at this time) was Hrafnkell came/arrived east over Oxmoor

Ríða nú hvárirtveggju allt til þess (all to that (end conclusion)), at Sámr kemr (present) á heiðar-

Ride now both groups all till this (?) that Sam  came to the edge of the Heath


 Sá hann þá, at Hrafnkell var kominn lengra (further, compar) ofan í
brekkurnar. Sér Sámr, at hann mun undan taka (will take (himself) away) ofan í
heraðit. (got a trfle !! lost here)

saw he (Sam) then that Hrafnkell had come far down the slopes

Sees Sam that he (Hrafnkell) should  (?) soon take over to the district (get home ahead)


815 Hann mælti þá: 'Hér munum (will) vér aptr snúa, því at Hrafnkeli (note: dative)
mun gott til manna verða.'

He said then "Here should we turn back because Hrafnkell will  (? get to the more men)

Snýr (pres) Sámr þá aptr við svá búit (with (things) arranged/standing thus), kemr (present) þar til, er Eyvindr lá,
tekr (present) til ok verpr (present) haug eptir hann ok félaga hans.

Sam turned back there after with so much to prepare,

came to where Eyvind lay took to cast a mound over him and his Fellows


 Er (present) þar ok
kölluð Eyvindartorfa ok Eyvindarfjöll (plural)  ok Eyvindardalr

It was there so called Eyvinds Mound and Eyvinds Peak and Eyvindsdale


820 Sámr ferr (present) þá með allan varnaðinn heim á Aðalból.

Sam went with all his (not in text, but in fact they´re Eyvind´s goods) goods home to Adalbol


Ok er (when)hann kemr (present) heim, sendir Sámr eptir þingmönnum sínum, at

þeir skyldi koma þar um morguninn fyrir dagmál. Ætlar hann

And he came home sends Sam for/after his Thingmen that

they should come to him (not in text) in the morning before breakfast . He Intended


þá austr yfir heiði. 'Verðr (verða, to be, become verb) ferð vár (our) slík (such), sem má.'
825 Um kveldit ferr (present) Sámr í hvílu, ok var þar drjúgt komit manna. (note: gen plural)

then east over the (not in text) Heath. "Value (of the ) journey will be as it may

at Evening went Sam to bed there were a good number of men had (already) arrived


That was a long one seemingly - that were a massacre - Hrafnkell killed Five  and they

were hard pressed to kill twelve of his,  but seemingly Eyvind was the better leader -

albeit dead thought - Hrafnkell was a butcher


Eyvind had more stones but Hrafnkel had more men.


Thanks Alan for all this, it is now getting really interesting




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