Fw: [norse_course] Hrafnkell 744-771 forward Patricia's humble off

From: Patricia
Message: 6183
Date: 2006-04-14

I hope I can get this done I have had Trouble getting on line in the first place
From Patricia
----- Original Message -----
From: AThompson
To: norse_course@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2006 4:15 AM
Subject: RE: [norse_course] Hrafnkell 744-771

Here’s the next instalment of Hrafnkel’s Saga.





Aðra griðkonu sendir hann út á Hrólfsstaði eptir þeim
Hrólfssonum, Þórði ok Halla, ok þeim, sem þar váru vápnfœrir.

Another serving maid sent he out to Hrolf's Place  after these sons of Hrolf

Thorði and Halla, and (also) those who could bear weapons


745Þessir hvárirtveggju váru gildir menn ok allvel menntir.
Hrafnkell sendi ok eptir húskörlum sínum. Þeir urðu alls
átján saman. Þeir vápnuðust harðfengiliga, ríða þar yfir á, sem
hinir fyrri.
These both (each of two) were worthy and able/accomplished men

Hrafnkell sent allllso for his house servants they were eighteen in all (saman - together)

they armed themselves stoutly (in war-like manner - Gordon) and rode across the riverr

as the others (had done)


Þá váru þeir Eyvindr komnir upp á heiðina. Þar heita 750

Then were they (and) Eyvind, up at the Heath there called "Bersi's Tracks"


Þar er svarðlaus mýrr, ok er sem ríði í efju eina

There is a grassless /open bog and is like riding through  mud


 ok tók jafnan í kné eða í miðjan legg, stundum í kvið, þá
er undir svá hart sem hölkn.

and always reaches to the knee or to the middle leg sometimes to the belly

(of the horse - one thinks)  but under is as hard as rock


 Þá er hraun stórt fyrir vestan, ok
er þeir koma á hraunit,

There is a great stretch/field ? of rocky ground to the west and they come to the rocks (suff def art)


 þá lítr sveinninn aptr ok mælti til

755 Eyvindar:

There a little servant boy looks behind and speaks to Eyvind


 'Menn ríða þar eptir oss', segir hann, 'eigi færi en
átján. Er þar mikill maðr á baki í blám klæðum,

Menn ride after us says he  no less than eighteen and there (is ) a

big man in black on horse back


 ok sýnisk mér
líkt Hrafnkeli goða. Þó hefi ek nú lengi eigi sét hann.'

and it looks to me like Hrafnkell the Goði though I

have long not seen him


Eyvindr svarar: 'Hvat mun oss skipta? Veit ek mér einskis
ótta vánir af reið Hrafnkels. Ek hefi honum eigi í mótí gört.
Eyvind replies "what is that to us  I know of no reason to fear Hrafnkell

out riding - I have done him no offence


760 Mun hann eiga ørendi vestr til dals at hitta vini sína.'
Sveinninn svarar: 'Þat býðr mér í hug, at hann muni þik
hitta vilja.'

it may be he had business west of the dale with his friends

The Lad makes answer "That to me is a thought  that he may want to meet with you"

(the word presentiment  occured - as if the kid has had a vision)

'Ekki veit ek', segír Eyvindr, 'til hafa orðit með þeim Sámi,
bróður mínum, síðan þeir sættusk.'

Nothing I know says Eyvind until I have word with my brother Sam

what has been settled (between them)

765 Sveinninn svarar: 'Þat vilda ek, at þú riðir undan vestr til
dals. Muntu þá geymðr.

I with that you would ride west into the valley - (there) you may be safe


Ek kann skapi Hrafnkels, at hann
mun ekki gera oss, ef hann náir þér eigi.

I know Hrafnkel's temper that he may do us no harm

if he catch/trap you not


Er þá alls gætt, ef
þín er, en þá er eigi dýr í festi, ok er vel, hvat sem af oss verðr.'
Is this (to be) all cared for if you are (cared for)

and it is well, what (ever) happens to us


Eyvindr sagðisk eigi mundu brátt undan ríða, -- 'því at ek
770 veit eigi, hverir þessir eru. Mundi þat mörgum manni
hlœgiligt þykkja, ef ek renn at öllu óreyndu.'

Eyvind said (use of reflex - said to him self ??)

that he would not ride (run) away -

I do not know who these people are.

Many people would think (it to be) ridiculous  if I ran (subj.?)

with out proof



óreyndu and words like this I find easier to look at if the o is dealt with separately

and the rest of the word looked up in "R"





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