Here’s my translation. Comments on underlined text would be appreciated.
ok er sem ríði í efju eina fram: (ll. 751-2) – Have I got the grammar right?
einskis ótta vánir: (ll 758-759) – what precisely does this mean?
gera: (l. 767) Can ’gera’ be used in the sense of to bother, trouble someone?
Aðra griðkonu sendir hann út á Hrólfsstaði eptir þeim
Another (a second) servant woman he sends out to Hrólfsstaðir after those
Hrólfssonum, Þórði ok Halla, ok þeim, sem þar váru
vápnfœrir. 745
sons of Hrólf, Thord and Halli, and those who there were capable of bearing arms.
Þessir hvárirtveggju váru gildir menn ok allvel menntir.
Each of these two were fine men and very well accomplished.
Hrafnkell sendi ok eptir húskörlum sínum. Þeir urðu alls
Hrafnkel sent also after his house-servants. They were in all
átján saman. Þeir vápnuðust harðfengiliga, ríða þar
yfir á, sem
eighteen together. They armed themselves in war-like fashion, ride there over (the) river, as
hinir fyrri.
(the) others (had) before.
Þá váru þeir Eyvindr komnir upp á heiðina. Þar heita 750
Then (ie by that time) they, Eyvindr (and the others) were (had) come up to the heath. There, (they) are called
Bersagötur. Þar er svarðlaus mýrr, ok er sem ríði í efju eina
Bruin’s Tracks. There is a grassless swamp, and (it) is as if (one were to) ride forward into some mud,
fram, ok tók jafnan í kné eða í miðjan legg,
stundum í kvið, þá
and (it) reached always to (the) knee or to mid thigh, sometimes to (the) belly,
er undir svá hart sem hölkn. Þá
er hraun stórt fyrir vestan, ok
when under(neath) (it is) as firm as hard rock. Then (there) is a large lava field (rocky plain, according to Gordon) to the west, and
er þeir koma á hraunit, þá lítr sveinninn aptr ok
mælti til
when they come to the lava field (rocky plain), then the boy looks back and spoke to
755 Eyvindar: 'Menn ríða þar eptir oss', segir hann, 'eigi færi en
Eyvind. ’Men ride there after us,’ he says, ’no fewer than
Er þar mikill maðr á baki í blám klæðum, ok sýnisk mér
eighteen. A big man is there on (horse)back in black (blue) clothing, and (it) seems to me
Hrafnkeli goða. Þó hefi ek nú lengi eigi sét hann.'
similar to Hrafnkel (the) priest. Still, I have now not seen him for a long time.’
svarar: 'Hvat mun oss skipta? Veit ek mér einskis
Eyvind answers. ’What will (that) concern us? I am conscious in me of
ótta vánir af reið Hrafnkels. Ek hefi honum eigi í mótí gört.
expectations of no particular fear (ie cause for alarm) from (the) riding of Hrafnkel. I have not done (anything) against him.
760 Mun hann eiga ørendi vestr til dals at hitta vini sína.'
He will have an errand to (the) dale to meet his friends.’
svarar: 'Þat býðr mér í hug, at hann muni þik
The boy answers: ’That presents (itself) to my mind, that he will
want to meet you.’
'Ekki veit ek', segír Eyvindr, 'til hafa orðit með þeim Sámi,
’I know nothing,’ says Eyvind, ‘to have happened between them, (he) and Sám,
mínum, síðan þeir sættusk.'
my brother, since they settled amongst themselves.’
765 Sveinninn svarar: 'Þat vilda ek, at þú riðir undan vestr
The boy answers: ’That I would want, that you ride away west to
Muntu þá geymðr. Ek kann skapi Hrafnkels, at hann
(the) date. You will then (be) safe. I understand Hrafnkel´s disposition, that he
ekki gera oss, ef hann náir þér eigi. Er þá alls gætt, ef
will not trouble us, if he obtains not you. (It) is then taken care of everything, if
er, en þá er eigi dýr í festi, ok er vel, hvat sem af oss verðr.'
(it) is of you, but (and) then (there) is not an animal in a trap, and (that) is well, whatever becomes of us.’
sagðisk eigi mundu brátt undan ríða, -- 'því at ek
Eyvind declared that he would not quickly ride away, -- ‘because I
770 veit eigi, hverir þessir eru. Mundi þat mörgum manni
know not, who these are. That would to many a man
þykkja, ef ek renn at öllu óreyndu.'
seem laughable, if I run at all untested (ie without looking into the matter).’
Grammar notes:
Aðra annarr: (pron) acc sg Another
griðkonu griðkona: (n) acc sg serving woman
sendir senda: (v) 3s pres ind sends
hann hann: (pron) nom sg he
út out
á to
Hrólfsstaði Hrólfsstaðr: (n) dat sg Hrólfsstaðr
eptir after
þeim þeir: (pron) dat pl those
Hrólfssonum, Hrólfssonr: (n) dat pl Hrólf´s sons,
Þórði Þórðr: (n) dat sg Þorð
ok and
Halla, Halli: (n) dat sg Halli,
ok and
þeim, þeir: (pron) dat pl those,
sem who
þar there
váru vera: (v) 3p past ind were
vápnfœrir. vápnfœrr: (adj) nom pl capable of bearing weapons.'
Þessir þessi: (pron) nom pl These
hvárirtveggju hvárrtveggja: (pron) gen pl each (of two)
váru vera: (v) 3p past ind were
gildir gildr: (adj) nom pl worthy
menn maðr: (n) nom pl men
ok and
allvel very well
menntir. menntr: (adj) nom pl accomplished.
Hrafnkell Hrafnkell: (n) nom sg Hrafnkel
sendi senda. (v) 3s past ind sent
ok also
eptir after
húskörlum húskarl: (n) dat pl house-servants
sínum. sinn: (pron) dat pl his.
Þeir þeir: (pron) nom pl They
urðu verða: (v) 3p past ind became
alls allr: (pron) gen sg (in) all
átján átján: (num) nom pl indecl eighteen
saman. together.
Þeir þeir: (pron) nom pl They
vápnuðust vápnast: (v refl) 3p past ind armed (themselves)
harðfengiliga, in war-like fashion,
ríða ríða: (v) 3p pres ind ride
þar there
yfir over
á, á: (n) acc sg river,
sem like
hinir hinn: (pron) nom pl others
fyrri. earlier.
Þá Then
váru vera: (v) 3p past ind were
þeir þeir: (pron) nom pl they
Eyvindr Eyvindr: (n) nom sg Eyvind
komnir koma: (v) pp nom pl arrived
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