Re: Hrafnkell 721-743 / Alan's Translation

From: AThompson
Message: 6164
Date: 2006-04-09

Here’s my translation and grammar notes. I apologise for the abrupt ending to this section. I meant to include another two lines which would have rounded of this section far better but my cutting and pasting let me down. You´ll see what I mean when you get the next section. There were a few sentences that left me a little puzzled and not convinced that I had full come to grips with. Again these are underlined and any comments would be appreciated.


sem þá koma þeir, koma við þat út (ll. 734-735) – Any sense that I might make of this comes more from the context than from the words themselves.

Lætr griðkonan ganga af kappi: (l. 738) – Is this a common expression?

þér gangi gott til: (l, 740) – Have I got this right?


To take up Uoden´s point, with respect to ‘þvá’, to wash’, it was my understanding that ‘þó, þógu’ were the ‘strong’ old forms of the past tense, but in Modern Icelandic, the infinitive has become ‘þvo’ and the verb now behaves as ‘weak’ verb in the past tense ‘þvoði’ but still retains the strong past participle ‘þvegið’





Kona ein var við vatnit ok þó lérept sín. Hon sér ferð

A certain woman was by the lake and washed her clothes. She sees the journey

manna. Griðkona sjá sópar saman léreptunum ok hleypr

of men (ie men on a journey). This servant-womant sweeps together the clothes and runs

heim. Hon kastar þeim niðr úti hjá viðarkesti, en hleypr inn.

home. She casts them down outside beside a woodheap, but (and) runs inside.

Hrafnkell var þá eigi upp staðinn, ok nökkurir vilðarmenn

Hrafnkel was then not stood up (ie out of bed), and some (of his) favoured servants

lágu í skálanum, en verkmenn váru til iðnar farnir. Þetta var 725

lay (were) in the hall, but (the) workmen were (had) gone to work. This was

um heyjaannir.

during haymaking season.

Konan tók til orða, er hon kom inn: 'Satt er flest þat, er

The woman took to speech, when she came inside: ’That is most true, which is

fornkveðit er, at svá ergisk hverr sem eldisk. Verðr sú lítil

spoken from olden days, that thus each (man) becomes faint-heated as (he) grows old. That becomes (is) a small

virðing, sem snimma leggsk á, ef maðr lætr síðan sjálfr af með

distinction, which is acquired early (in life), if a man (one) yields (it) up himself afterwards with

ósóma ok hefir eigi traust til at reka þess réttar nökkurt sinni, 730

dishonour, and has not (the) trust (in himself) to press for that (legal) right at some (point in) time,

ok eru slík mikil undr um þann mann, sem hraustr hefir verit.

And (there) are such great wonders about that man, who has (previously) been stout-hearted.

Nú er annan veg þeira lífi, er upp vaxa með föður sínum, ok

Now, (it) is another way (otherwise) (in the) life of those, who grow up with their father, and

þykkja yðr einskis háttar hjá yðr, en þá er þeir eru frumvaxta,

seem to you of no matter (importance) compared with you, but then when they are grown up,

fara land af landi ok þykkja þar mestháttar, sem þá koma þeir,

journey (from) country to country and seem there (ie in those places) of (the) greatest importance, when then they arrive,

koma við þat út ok þykkjask þá höfðingjum meiri. Eyvindr 735

(they) come with that out and think themselves then greater than chieftains. Eyvind

Bjarnason reið hér yfir á á Skálavaði með svá fagran skjöld, at

Bjarni´s son rode here over (the) river to Skálavað with such a beautiful shield, that

ljómaði af. Er hann svá menntr, at hefnd væri í honum.'

(the light) shone from (it). He is so accomplished, that vengeance were in him (ie suitable vengeance would be obtained by slaying him).

Lætr griðkonan ganga af kappi.

The servant-woman allows (it, ie her chatter) to go from zeal. (ie she goes on and on and on…)

Hrafnkell ríss upp ok svarar henni, 'Kann vera, at þú hjalir

Hrafnkel rises up and answers her, ’It is possible, that you chatter

helzti margt satt -- eigi fyrir því, at þér gangi gott til. Er nú 740

exceedingly very truly – not because good(ness) goes to you (ie you intentions are good). (It) is now

vel, at þér aukisk erfiði. Far þú hart suðr á Víðivöllu eptir

well, that trouble be increased for you. Go you swiftly south to Viðivöll after

Hallsteinssonum, Sighvati ok Snorra. Bið þá skjótt til mín

Hallstein´s sons, Sighvat and Snorri. Bid those quickly

koma með þá menn, sem þar eru vápnfœrir.'

to come to me with those men, who there are capable of bearing arms.


Grammar Notes:


Kona                             kona: (n)                        nom sg                          Woman

ein                                 einn: (pron)                    nom sg                          certain

var                                 vera: (v)                          3s past ind                     was

við                                                                                                           by

vatnit                             vatn: (n)                         acc sg                           the lake

ok                                                                                                           and

þó                                 þvá: (v)                           3s past ind                     washed

lérept                             lérept: (n)                       acc pl                            clothes

sín.                                sinn: (pron)                    acc pl                            her.

Hon                               hon: (pron)                     nom sg                          She

sér                                sjá: (v)                           3s pres ind                     sees

ferð                                ferð: (n)                          acc sg                           journey

manna.                          maðr: (n)                        gen pl                            (of) men.

Griðkona                        griðkona: (n)                   nom sg                          Serving-woman

sjá                                 sjá, þessi: (pron)            nom sg                          this

sópar                             sópa: (v)                        3s pres ind                     sweeps

saman                                                                                                     together

léreptunum                     lérept: (n)                       dat pl                             the clothes

ok                                                                                                           and

hleypr                            hlaupa: (v)                      3s pres ind                     runs

heim.                                                                                                       home.

Hon                               hom: (pron)                    nom sg                          She

kastar                            kasta: (v)                       3s pres ind                     throws

þeim                              þeir: (pron)                     dat pl                             them

niðr                                                                                                          down

úti                                                                                                           outside

hjá                                                                                                           beside

viðarkesti,                      viðarköstr: (n)                 dat sg                            wood-heap,

en                                                                                                           but

hleypr                            hlaupa: (v)                      3s pres ind                     runs

inn.                                                                                                          inside.

Hrafnkell                        Hrafnkell: (n)                  nom sg                          Hrafnkel

var                                 vera: (v)                          3s past ind                     was

þá                                                                                                           then

eigi                                                                                                          not

upp                                                                                                          up

staðinn,                         standa: (v)                      pp                                 stood

ok                                                                                                           and

nökkurir                         nökkurr: (pron)                nom pl                           some

vilðarmenn                      vilðarmaðr: (n)                nom pl                           favoured retainers

lágu                               liggja: (v)                        3p past ind                     lay

í                                                                                                              in

skálanum,                      skáli: (n)                        dat sg                            the hall

en                                                                                                           but

verkmenn                       verkmaðr: (n)                  nom pl                           workmen

váru                               vera: (v)                          3p past ind                     were

til                                                                                                            to

iðnar                              iðn: (n)                           gen sg                           work

farnir.                             fara: (v)                          pp nom pl                      gone.

Þetta                             þetta: (pron)                   nom sg                          This

var                                 vera: (v)                          3s past ind                     was


um                                                                                                          during

heyjaannir.                     heyjaanir: (n pl)              acc pl                            haymaking season.

Konan                            kona: (n)                        nom sg                          The woman

tók                                taka: (v)                         3s past ind                     took


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