From: Fred and Grace Hatton Message: 6158 Date: 2006-04-08
My husband, who built our house and much of its furnishings, suggested that
'buá um' regarding a ship drawn up on shore in the last translation could be
reconciled between the two translations of prepared for winter and fenced
round. He suggests that it could mean that props or cribbing would have
been placed to help support a ship drawn up on its keel.
The last translation went much better than this one. I had much difficulty
Kona ein var við vatnit ok þó lérept sín. Hon sér ferð
One woman was near the water and washed her clothes. She sees trades-
manna. Griðkona sjá sópar saman léreptunum ok hleypr
men. This serving woman sweeps together the clothes and runs
heim. Hon kastar þeim niðr úti hjá viðarkesti, en hleypr inn.
home. She casts them down outside by (the) wood pile, but (and) runs
Hrafnkell var þá eigi upp staðinn, ok nökkurir vilðarmenn
H. was not then up from bed, and certain favored retainers
lágu í skálanum, en verkmenn váru til iðnar farnir. Þetta var 725
lay in the hut, but workers were about working at ????. This was
um heyjaannir.
in hay-making time.
Konan tók til orða, er hon kom inn: 'Satt er flest þat, er
(The) woman took to words, when she came in, "It is most truth, which
fornkveðit er, at svá ergisk hverr sem eldisk. Verðr sú lítil
is said of old, that so (he) grows faint-hearted he who grows old. This one
(is) worth
virðing, sem snimma leggsk á, ef maðr lætr síðan sjálfr af með
little respect, as early was acquired, if a man allow then himself from
ósóma ok hefir eigi traust til at reka þess réttar nökkurt sinni, 730
dishonor and has not confidence to pursue this certain lawful claim of his,
ok eru slík mikil undr um þann mann, sem hraustr hefir verit.
and were such great shame about that man, as had been brave (before).
Nú er annan veg þeira lífi, er upp vaxa með föður sínum, ok
Now is another way of their lives, when (the sons?) grow up with their
father, and
þykkja yðr einskis háttar hjá yðr, en þá er þeir eru frumvaxta,
think you quite clear (how?) you conduct (yourselves) here, but then when
were in their prime,
fara land af landi ok þykkja þar mestháttar, sem þá koma þeir,
take land from (their) countrymen ??? and think there most remarkably,
as then they come ???,
koma við þat út ok þykkjask þá höfðingjum meiri. Eyvindr 735
come out with it and think themselves then the better leaders. E.
Bjarnason reið hér yfir á á Skálavaði með svá fagran skjöld, at
B. rode here over (the) river to S. with so fine a shield, that
ljómaði af. Er hann svá menntr, at hefnd væri í honum.'
gleamed. He is so accomplished, that he were to take vengeance on him???"
Lætr griðkonan ganga af kappi.
(The) housemaid let go with great zeal.
Hrafnkell ríss upp ok svarar henni, 'Kann vera, at þú hjalir
H. rose up and answered her, "(It) can be that you chatter
helzti margt satt -- eigi fyrir því, at þér gangi gott til. Er nú 740
far too much truth - - not before it?, that your intentions are good
(Gordon). When now
vel, at þér aukisk erfiði. Far þú hart suðr á Víðivöllu eptir
well, that to you work is increased. Go you hard south to Wide Plain after
Hallsteinssonum, Sighvati ok Snorra. Bið þá skjótt til mín
Hallstein's sons, Sighvat and Snorri. Summon (them) then quickly to me
koma með þá menn, sem þar eru vápnforir.'
(that they should) come then with men, that there are bearing weapons."
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa
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