H 670

From: Fred and Grace Hatton
Message: 6105
Date: 2006-03-25

Many problems this time!

Hrafnkell spurði austr í Fljótsdal, at Þjóstarssynir höfðu 670
H. found out east in F., that Þjóstars' sons had

týnt Freyfaxa ok brennt hofit.
slain Freyfaxi and burnt the temple.

Þá svarar Hrafnkell: 'Ek hygg þat hégóma at trúa á goð', -- ok
Then responds H., "I think it to lie to (have) faith in (the old) god, - -

sagðisk hann þaðan af aldri skyldu á goð trúa, ok þat efndi hann
said to himself from then on never (be) obliged to (have) faith in a god and
he made it (so)

síðan, at hann blótaði aldri.
afterward, that he never worshipped.

Hrafnkell sat á Hrafnkelsstöðum ok rakaði fé saman. Hann 675
H. remained at Hrafnkel's homestead and raked money together. He

fekk brátt miklar virðingar í heraðinu. Vildi svá hverr sitja ok
soon made great reputations in the district. (This part is probably a

but I can't make it do anything reasonable) Whereso(ever he) wished to sit

standa sem hann vildi.
stand as he wished (he could).

Í þenna tíma kómu sem mest skip af Noregi til Íslands.
In this time came the? most ships from Norway to Iceland.

Námu menn þá sem mest land í heraðinu um Hramkels daga.
Men took then the most land in the district in the days of H.

Engi náði með frjálsu at sitja, nema Hrafnkel bæði orlofs. Þá 680
No peace?? with free to sit??, H. takes both permission????.

urðu ok allir honum at heita sínu liðsinni. Hann hét ok sínu
Then (they) cover (or maybe mark boundaries) with stones and all

promised to him their help. He also promised his

trausti. Lagði hann land undir sik allt fyrir austan
protection. He taxed? (the) land under him everything east of L.

Lagarfljót. Þessi þinghá varð brátt miklu meiri ok fjölmennari
This assembly district was soon much bigger and more crowded

en sú, er hann hafði áðr haft. Hon gekk upp um Skriðudal ok
than that, which he had had before. It (the district) went up around
Landslide dale and

upp allt með Lagarfljóti. Var nú skipan á komin á lund hans. 685
all the way up along L. (There) was now order come to his mind.

Maðrinn var miklu vinsælli en áðr. Hafði hann ina sömu
The man was much friendlier than before. He had the same

skapsmuni um gagnsemð ok risnu, en miklu var maðrinn nú
disposition about hospitality and munificience, when much was the man now

vinsælli ok gæfari ok hoegri en fýrr at öllu.
more friendly and more quiet and more easy (going?) than before at

Opt fundusk þeir Sámr ok Hrafnkell á mannamótum, ok
S. and H. often meet each other at meetings and

690 minntusk þeir aldri á sín viðskipti. Leið svá fram sex vetr.
they never recall their dealings with each other??? So passed six winters.

Sámr var vinsæll af sínum þingmönnum, því at hann var
S. was friendly towards his thingmen, because he was

hoegr ok kyrr ok góðr órlausna ok minntisk á þat, er þeir
reasonable and quiet and ready to help (Gordon) and reminds himself of it,
what those

broeðr höfðu ráðit honum. Sámr var skartsmaðr mikill.
brothers had advised him. Sam was very much a man given to display.

Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa

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