From: AThompson
Message: 5928
Date: 2006-02-13
Comments as usual
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Fred and Grace Hatton
Sent: Sunday, 12
February 2006 1:26 AM
Subject: [norse_course] Hrafnkell 542
Þorgeirr valði (velja – choose) lið sitt ok lét sér fylgja fjóra tigu manna.
Þorgeirr caused his men (to pack up) and had accompany him forty men.
Sámr hafði ok fjóra tigu manna. Var þat lið vel búit at vápnum
Sam also had forty men. It was a group well supplied (as) to weapons
ok hestum. Eptir þat ríða þeir alla ina sömu leið, þar til er
and horses. After that they ride all in the same road, until when
þeir koma í nætrelding í Jökulsdal, fara yfir brú á ánni, ok var 545
they come at dawn to Glacier Dale, go over the bridge at the river and
þetta þann morgin, (note: accusative, on that morning) er féránsdóm átti at heyja. Þá (then) spyrr
this was then morning, when (the) court of execution had to (be) conduct
(ed). Then asks
Þorgeirr, hversu mætti helzt á óvart koma. (to come on (approach) unnoticed) Sámr kvazk mundu
Þorgeirr, how might most of all (?) (Hrafnkell be) taken by surprise
(Gordon). Sam said (he) might
kunna ráð til þess. Hann snýr þegar af leiðinni ok upp á
know a means to this (end). He turns at once from the road and up to (the)
múlann ok svá eptir hálsinum milli Hrafnkelsdals ok Jökulsdals,
projecting ridge between two valleys (Gordon) and so along (the) hill crest
between Hrafnkell's Valley and Glacier Dale,
þar til er þeir koma útan (from without) undir fjallit, er borinn stendr undir 550
until when they come out below (the) mountain, where the farmstead stands
niðri á Aðalbóli. Þar gengu grasgeilar í heiðina upp, en þar
below at A. There grass-covered clefts (Gordon) went up to (the) heaths,
but there
var brekka brött (not sure about this but think it is simply ‘away’) ofan í dalinn, ok stóð þar borinn undir niðri.
was a hillside road down into the valley, and there stood the farmstead down
Þar stígr Sámr af baki ok mælti: 'Látum lausa hesta vára, (our)
There Sam dismounts and spoke, "Let (us) cause to be free (the) horses
ok geymi tuttugu menn, en vér sex tigir saman hlaupum at
and keep twenty men (with them?), but we sixty together run to
bonum, ok get ek, at fátt muni manna á fótum.' 555
(the) farmstead and I think that few men will (be) on foot (in the sense of
Þeir gerðu nú svá, ok heita þar síðan Hrossageilar. Þá bar
Now they did so, and (ever) since there is called Horse Lane . It (the
group?) advanced
skjótt at bonum. Váru þá liðin (pp of líða, agrees with rismál, neut pl) rismál. Eigi var fólk upp
quickly to (the) farmstead. (It) was then time to rise (for) the people.
(The) folk was not up
staðit. Þeir skutu stokki (note: dative) á hurð ok hlupu inn. Hrafnkell
from bed. They shot logs ( a battering ram?) at the door and ran inside.
hvíldi í rekkju sinni. Taka þeir hann þaðan ok alla hans
was sleeping in his bed. They take him thence and all of (the)
560 heimamenn, þá er vápnforir váru. Konur ok börn var rekit
men of his household, those who where capable of bearing arms. Women and
children were driven (?)
í eitt hús. (just a building) Í túninu stóð útibúr. Af því ok heim á skálavegginn
into one house. A shed stood in (the) home meadow. From it and to (the)
house at the wall of the house
var skotit váðási einum. (note: dative) Þeir leiða Hrafnkel þar til ok hans
was shot one pole (couldn't figure this last out). They lead Hrafnkell and
his men there to (it).
menn. Hann bauð mörg boð fyrir sik ok sína menn. En er
He offered many offers for himself and his men (ransom?). But when
þat tjáði eigi, þá bað hann mönnum sínum (dative, linked to mönnum) lífs, -- 'því at þeir
it was of no use (Zoega), then he asked for (his) men their lives. "because
565 hafa ekki til sakar gört við yðr, en þat er mér engi ósomð, þótt
have done nothing to harm against you, but it is to me not dishonour,
þér drepið mik. Mun ek ekki undan því mælask. Undan
you kill me. I will not speak for myself against it. Against
hrakningum mælumk ek. Er yðr engi somð í því.'
wretched treatment I speak for myself. But to you in it (is) no honour."
Þorkell mælti: 'Þat höfum vér heyrt, at þú hafir lítt verit
Þorgeirr spoke, "We have heard it, that you have badly been
leiðitamr (compl ian t, accommodating) þínum óvinum, ok er vel nú, at þú kennir þess í dag
easily led ???? (by) your enemies, and (it) is well now, that you know this
570 á þér.'
for yourself."
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa
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