From: AThompson
Message: 5915
Date: 2006-02-07
Comments as usual.
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Fred and Grace Hatton
Sent: Saturday, 4 February 2006 11:03 PM
Subject: [norse_course] Hrafnkell 525
525 'En ek get', segir Þorgeirr, 'at Hrafnkell mun heim kominn (past part)
"But I think," says Þorgeirr, that Hrafnkell will come home
This is contracted form of ‘munu vera heim kominn’ – will have come home .
ok ætli at sitja á Aðalbóli. Get ek, at hann mun halda manna-
and intends to set at A. I think, that he will hold authority
forráð fyrir yðr. En þú munt ætla at ríða heim ok setjask í bú
over you. But you will intend to ride home and settle yourself in your
þitt, ef þú náir, at bezta kosti. Get ek, at þú hafir þat svá þinna
if you are able (as) the best course. I think, that you (would?) have it
thus (with) your
probably, in the sense of ‘have got, obtained, achieved’
mála, at þú kallar hann skógarmann. En (but) slíkan ogishjálm,
lawsuit, that you declare him outlaw. While such terrorizing
get ek, at hann beri (carries out, undertakes) yfir flestum sem áðr, nema (except that) þú hljótir at 530
I think, that he rides roughshod over most as before, unless you get to
fara nökkuru lægra. (somewhat lower (in status / social standing))"
do something low ??"
'Aldri hirði ek þat', segir Sámr.
"I don't care (Zoega) (about) it," says Sam.
'Hraustr maðr ertu', segir Þorgeirr, 'ok þykki mér sem Þorkell
"You are a stout-hearted man," says Þorgeirr, "and it seems to me as (if)
frændi vili eigi gera endamjótt við þik. Hann vill nú fylgja
(my) kinsman will not leave (Zoega) you in the lurch. He will now support
þér, þar til er ór slítr með ykkr Hrafnkeli, ok megir þú þá sitja 535
you, until when (it) is settled (Zoega) between you and H. and you are able
to remain
um kyrrt. Mun yðr þykkja nú vit skyldastir (note: adj superlative – most obliged) at fylgja þér um
quiet ? (yes) (It) will seem to you now we are bound to support you
sinnsakar í Austfjörðu. Eða kanntu nökkura þá leið til
for this once (Zoega) in (the) East Fjo rds . But do you know then a certain
road to
Austfjarða, at eigi sé almannavegr?'
the East Fjo rds , that is not the route normally followed?"
Sámr svaraði: 'Fara mun ek ina sömu (samr – same) leið, sem ek fór
Sam answered, "I will go the summer ? road, (the same) as I came east."
austan. (from the east)' 540
Sömu – ö followed by u often means that the route form has an a, in this case samr.
-an ending indicates direction from.
Sámr varð þessu feginn.
Sam was glad of this.
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa
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