From: Patricia
Message: 5752
Date: 2005-11-26
segir: 'Ekki hugða ek, at hann mætti mik þessa 420
kunna, því at eigi drap ek son
hans, ok má hann af því eigi á
mér þessu hefna.'
at þér harðara en hann vildi, ok galt hann óskygnleika
425 síns, en vænti sér af þér nökkurs
"not wished he on thee (sing) to take vengeance" says Thorkell "but came
he to you much harder than he intended amd ? galt (from gjalda) has paid
(for) lack of sight his. Bus he expected from the(sing) some support
þat nú drengskapr
at veita gömlum manni ok þurftigum. Er honum
nauðsyn, en eigi seiling, þó at hann mæli eptir son sinn, en
ganga allir höfðingjar undan liðveizlu við þessa menn ok sýna
í því
mikinn ódrengskap.'
It would be (?subj - possibility ?)
now noble to give the Old Man for his need,
for to him it is needful, and not greediness, yet he brought this prosecution after
son his, and now go all the Chieftains to turn from support with these men
which demonstrates of them great ignobility
Now it would be noble to give the Old Man what he needs, it was necessary - not greedy
to bring this prosecution, but all the Chieftains refuse to help which shows how ignoble they all are
430 Þorgeirr mælti: 'Við hvern eigu
þessir menn at kæra?'
Þorkell svaraði: 'Hrafnkell goði hefir vegit son
Þorbjarnar saklausan. Vinnr hann hvert óverk at öðru, en vill
manni sóma vinna fyrir.'
Thorgeirr said "With whom are these men kaying a charge
Thorkell replied "Hrafnkell the Chieftain has killed son his (of) Thorbjorn (?dat)
innocent (ie - the son was not guilty),
Performs he one bad deed (o - verk) after another and will to no man seem to give recompense
Thorgeirr said "With whom are these men bringing a law suit"
Thorkell replies Hrafnkell the Goði has killed the son of Thorbjorn for not cause
He does one ill-deed after another and will to no man award recompense
435 eigi mik þessum mönnum svá gott
upp at inna, at ek vilja
ganga í deilur við Hrafnkel.
Thorgeirr speaks "so believe to me to do as the others for I know nothing to me (mik - acc.?) these men some good (upp at inni - stuck there )
that I will go in dispute against Hrafnkell
Thorgeirr says "I intend to do the same as the others for I know I have no reason to do good for these men that I would go against Hrafnkell
mér hann einn veg fara
hvert sumar við þá menn, sem málum eigu at skipta við
at flestir menn fá litla virðing eða enga, áðr lúki, ok sé ek
fara einn veg öllum.
It seems to me he one way goes every summer with these men who have suits with him
and that the most of them get little honout if any at the end (?of the suit)
and I see it goes the same with all
It seems to me he does this every Summer, those who have suits with his, most of them get little if anything out of it and the end, and I see this happens with all
ek af því flesta menn ófúsa til, þá
440 sem engi nauðsyn dregr
----- Original Message -----From: AThompsonSent: Friday, November 25, 2005 7:12 AMSubject: RE: [norse_course] Hrafnkell 420-440Heres the next instalment of Hrafnkels Saga.
Þorgeirr segir: 'Ekki hugða ek, at hann mætti mik þessa 420
kunna, því at eigi drap ek son hans, ok má hann af því eigi á
mér þessu hefna.'
'Eigi vildi hann á þér þessu hefna', segir Þorkell, 'en fórhann at þér harðara en hann vildi, ok galt hann óskygnleika
425 síns, en vænti sér af þér nökkurs trausts. Er þat nú drengskapr
at veita gömlum manni ok þurftigum. Er honum þetta
nauðsyn, en eigi seiling, þó at hann mæli eptir son sinn, en nú
ganga allir höfðingjar undan liðveizlu við þessa menn ok sýna
í því mikinn ódrengskap.'
430 Þorgeirr mælti: 'Við hvern eigu þessir menn at kæra?'
Þorkell svaraði: 'Hrafnkell goði hefir vegit son hans
Þorbjarnar saklausan. Vinnr hann hvert óverk at öðru, en vill
engum manni sóma vinna fyrir.'
Þorgeirr mælti: 'Svá mun mér fara sem öðrum, at ek veit
435 eigi mik þessum mönnum svá gott upp at inna, at ek vilja
ganga í deilur við Hrafnkel. Þykki mér hann einn veg fara
hvert sumar við þá menn, sem málum eigu at skipta við hann,
at flestir menn fá litla virðing eða enga, áðr lúki, ok sé ek þar
fara einn veg öllum. Get ek af því flesta menn ófúsa til, þá
440 sem engi nauðsyn dregr til.'
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