From: AThompson
Message: 5702
Date: 2005-11-15
Comments inserted. Almost no mistakes with verb tenses this time. Good work! Mostly, it seems, you have got the gist of this section of text but I have inserted a few comments where you seem to have had difficulty. Refer to my translation and grammar notes for further guidance
I´m not so sure about the humour being queer, it is certainly dry. I really like the dialogue in this section, particularly the way Sam tests the waters with his mode of questioning Thorkel.
-----Original Message-----
[] On
Behalf Of Patricia
Sunday, 13 November 2005
3:24 AM
Subject: Re: [norse_course]
Hrafnkell 362-401
Sael Alan, I think I have learned to be more careful and gave it my best shot, but really what a queer sense of humour they had
'Viltu nökkut liðsinni okkr veita?' segir Sámr.
'Hvers þurfu þit við?' segir Þorkell.
'Liðsinnis ok afla höfðingja', segir Sámr,
Will you some help to us (two) grant/give says Sam What kind need you (two) with (?) says Thorkell
Support and strength/might of all chieftains says
Will you give us help says Sam, What do you need says Thorkell "The support and might of all the Chieftains says Sam
'því at vit eigum365
málum at skipta við Hrafnkel goða um víg Einars Þorbjarnar-
sonar, en vit megum vel hlíta okkrum flutningi með
Because we (2) have a lawsuit with Hrafnkell (the) Goði about the slaying
of Einar Thorbjarnsson but we (2) are able well to trust our plea with your
Because we have a lawsuit with Hrafnkell the Goði over the killing of Einar Thorbjarnsson but we will win our plea with your help
Þorkell svarar: 'Svá er sem ek sagða, at ek em engi
Thorkell replies ""As I have
said that I am no Goði"
Thorkell replies "I have told you I am not a Goði"
'Hví ertu svá afskipta görr, þar sem þú ert höfðingjasonr370 sem aðrir brœðr þínir?"
Why are you (sing) thus cut off when you are (2nd sing) a chieftains son as other brothers thine (sing - possessive)
Why are you cut off when you are the son of a chieftain as are your other Brothers
Þorkell sagði: 'Eigi sagða ek þér þat, at ek ætta þat eigi,
ek selda þat í hendr Þorgeiri, bróður mínum, mannaforráð
mitt, áðr en ek fór útan.
Thorkell said "I did not say to you that,as I owned it not but I delivered (handed over) to the hands of Thorgeir (dat ?) brother (of) mine my Authority, before I travelled away (utan - out or away- abroad)
Thorkell said "I did not say it was not minem I gave it to my brother Thorgeir, to keep before I travelled away
Síðan hefi ek eigi við tekit, fyrir því at mér þykkir vel komit, meðan hann varðveitir.
Since have I not taken it back. because I think (it seems to me) well (?) come by [placed, bestowed] while he keeps it
Since when I have not taken it back because it seems to be well in his hands
Gangi þit á 375
fund hans. Biðið hann ásjá. Hann er skörungr í skapi ok
drengr góðr ok í alla staði vel menntr, ungr maðr ok metnaðar-
gjarn. Eru slíkir menn vænstir til at veita ykkr liðsinni.'
Go the two of you (imperative 2nd dual?
[yes]) [a meeting with him] ask [him] his help. He is of notable
temperament/disposition [a noble man in disposition] and a fellow good, and in
all ways a well accomplished young man and eager for fame/ambitious.
To you such men are mopst likely to give support
Go you two. Ask for his help, he is of good disposition and a good comrade, and in every way he is accomplished and ambitious. Such men are most likely to give you support
Sámr segir: 'Af honum munum vit ekki fá, nema þú sér íflutningi með okkr.
Sam says E from him shall we nothing get except you (sing) be (?subjumctive [yes]) in pleading with us (or along of us)
Sam says "We will not get anywhere with him unless you plead alongside us"
380 Þorkell segir: 'Því mun ek heita at vera heldr með ykkr enmótí, með því at mér þykkir œrin nauðsyn til at mæla eptir náskyldan mann. Fari þit nú fyrir til búðarinnar ok gangið inn í búðina.
Thorkell says "This I [will] promise - to be with you rather that against you because I think it is enough/necessary to bring a suit after the killing of a [closely-related] man.. Go you (imperative 2nd Dual) to the place of the booths and go into (one) booth [def art]
Thorkell says "I promise to be with you rather than against you because I think it is necessary to being a lawsuit after a killing. Go you to where the booths are and go into one of them"
Er mannfólk í svefni. Þit munuð sjá, hvar standa
innar um þvera búðina tvau húðföt, ok reis ek upp ór öðru,
385 en í öðru hvílir Þorgeirr,
bróðir minn
The men are asleeep, you will see (?subj [no, infin])where stand further in across the booth two Huðfot (leather made sleeping sacks) and I arose from one and (in) the other rests Thorgeir brother mine
The men will be asleep you will notice there are - further in the booth two sleeping bags and I have just got out from one, and resting in the other is Thorgeir my brother.
Hann hefir haft kveisu mikla í fœtinum, síðan hann
kom á þingit, ok því hefir hann
lítit sofit um nœtr. En nú sprakk fótrinn í nótt, ok er ór
kveisunaglinn. En nú hefir hann sofnat síðan ok hefir réttan fótinn
út undan fötunum fram á fótafjölina sakar ofrhita, er á 390 er fœtinum.
He has had a huge boil on his foot since he came to the thing, and (for this) he has [slept little] had little sleep in the night[s]. But now that it [the foot] burst during the night, and the core/centre came out. But now he has been sleeping [fallen asleep]
since then and has his [right foot] out from under (the sack) [bedclothes] on the footboard because of the heat of the foot (inflammation)
He has had a great boil on his foot since he came to the Thing, and he has had but little sleep all the night. But now that it has burst in the night and the core came out. So he has been sleeping ever since then and he has his fool stuck out from under the sack i=on the footboard because of the inflammation
Gangi sá inn gamli maðr fyrir ok svá innar
eptir búðinni. Mér sýnisk hann mjök hrymðr bæði at sýn ok elli.
Let [him, that one] go the old
man in front and so [further ] into the booth. To me it seems he (is)
very weak/decrepit om eye- sight and in age
Let the old man go first, into the booth he looks rather aged - decrepit to me and his eyesight is bad
Does he wamt the old fellow Thorbjorn to take the blame [It’s a ploy I suspect – it would be proper to strike an old man]
Þá er þú, maðr', segir Þorkell, 'kemr at húðfatinu,
skaltu rasa mjök ok fall á fótafjölina ok tak í tána þá, er um er bundit, ok
hnykk at þér ok vit, hversu hann verðr við."
"Then it's [when] you man,"
says Thorkell "to come to the sleeping sacks [singular] stumble
greatly and fall against the footboard, and grab the toe which is bandaged and
pull upon it towards you see how he happens [responds] (?)
"Then it is for you man" says Thorkell " to come to the sleeping sacks - stumble heavily and fall against the footboard. and grab the toe which is bandaged and pull it towards you see how he (?) reacts
395 Sámr mælti: 'Heilráðr muntu okkr vera, en eigi
sýnisk mérþetta ráðligt.'
San Speaks"Good council
[adjective] may you for us be giving (may you - subjunct? [no]) but not looks
to ne advisable"
Sam speaks up "You may well be giving us good advice but it does not sound a good idea"
Þorkell svarar: 'Annat hvárt verði þit at gera,
at hafa þat, sem ek legg til, eða leita ekki ráða til mín.'
Thorkell replies "One or the other
(thing) must happen (come to pass) you {either you must do (that) to] have this
as I say or you seek not council of mine
Thorkell replies "One thing or the other, you do as I ask or do not come to me for advice
Sámr mælti ok segir: 'Svá skal gera sem hann gefr
ráð til.'
Sam speaks and says "It
shall be [one shall do] as he has advised"
Sam makes answer and says it shall be as (Thorkell) advises
400 Þorkell kvazk mundu ganga síðar, -- 'því at ek
bíð manna minna.'
Thorkell (kvask - declares - refl)
[past] announces [d] he intends to come later - I am waiting for my men
Thorkell announces that he will be along later for he is waiting for his men
Alan I think Thorkel is just like my stepfather was once, what can be the point of dragging on a bandaged toe, and the old guy to go in front, is it for him to get the fault of it all
I cannot wait for the next bit
who knows a word for guys like Thorkell
----- Original Message -----
From: AThompson
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 6:46 AM
Subject: RE: [norse_course] Hrafnkell 362-401
Here’s the next instalment of Hrafnkel’s Saga.
'Viltu nökkut liðsinni okkr veita?' segir Sámr.
'Hvers þurfu þit við?' segir Þorkell.
'Liðsinnis ok afla höfðingja', segir Sámr, 'því at vit eigum
365 málum at skipta við Hrafnkel goða um víg Einars Þorbjarnar-
sonar, en vit megum vel hlíta okkrum flutningi með þínu
Þorkell svarar: 'Svá er sem ek sagða, at ek em engi goðorðsmaðr.'
'Hví ertu svá afskipta görr, þar sem þú ert höfðingjasonr
370 sem aðrir brœðr þínir?"
Þorkell sagði: 'Eigi sagða ek þér þat, at ek ætta þat eigi, en
ek selda þat í hendr Þorgeiri, bróður mínum, mannaforráð
mitt, áðr en ek fór útan. Síðan hefi ek eigi við tekit, fyrir því
at mér þykkir vel komit, meðan hann varðveitir. Gangi þit á
375 fund hans. Biðið hann ásjá. Hann er skörungr í skapi ok
drengr góðr ok í alla staði vel menntr, ungr maðr ok metnaðar-
gjarn. Eru slíkir menn vænstir til at veita ykkr liðsinni.'
Sámr segir: 'Af honum munum vit ekki fá, nema þú sér í
flutningi með okkr.'
380 Þorkell segir: 'Því mun ek heita at vera heldr með ykkr en
mótí, með því at mér þykkir œrin nauðsyn til at mæla eptir
náskyldan mann. Fari þit nú fyrir til búðarinnar ok gangið inn
í búðina. Er mannfólk í svefni. Þit munuð sjá, hvar standa
innar um þvera búðina tvau húðföt, ok reis ek upp ór öðru,
385 en í öðru hvílir Þorgeirr, bróðir minn. Hann hefir haft kveisu
mikla í fœtinum, síðan hann kom á þingit, ok því hefir hann
lítit sofit um nœtr. En nú sprakk fótrinn í nótt, ok er ór
kveisunaglinn. En nú hefir hann sofnat síðan ok hefir réttan
fótinn út undan fötunum fram á fótafjölina sakar ofrhita, er á390 er fœtinum. Gangi sá inn gamli maðr fyrir ok svá innar eptir
búðinni. Mér sýnisk hann mjök hrymðr bæði at sýn ok elli.
Þá er þú, maðr', segir Þorkell, 'kemr at húðfatinu, skaltu rasa
mjök ok fall á fótafjölina ok tak í tána þá, er um er bundit, ok
hnykk at þér ok vit, hversu hann verðr við."
395 Sámr mælti: 'Heilráðr muntu okkr vera, en eigi sýnisk mér
þetta ráðligt.'
Þorkell svarar: 'Annat hvárt verði þit at gera, at hafa þat, sem
ek legg til, eða leita ekki ráða til mín.'
Sámr mælti ok segir: 'Svá skal gera sem hann gefr ráð til.'
400 Þorkell kvazk mundu ganga síðar, -- 'því at ek bíð manna
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