Re: Hrafnkell 309-330 Alan's Translation

From: AThompson
Message: 5678
Date: 2005-11-02

My translation:


Þat var einn morgin snimma, at Þorbjörn karl vaknar. Hann

That was one (particular) morning early, that Þorbjörn (the old man) awakes. He


310 vekr Sám ok bað hann upp standa. 'Má ek ekki sofa.'

wakes Sám and asked him to stand (get) up. ”I cannot sleep.”


Sámr stendr upp ok ferr í klæði sín. Þeir ganga út ok ofan at

Sám stands (gets) up and dresses himself. They go out and down to


Øxará, fyrir neðan brúna. Þar þvá þeir sér.

Axe River, below the bridge. There they wash themselves.


Þorbjörn mælti við Sám: 'Þat er ráð mitt, at þú látir reka

Þorbjörn spoke to Sám: ”That is my advice, that you cause to drive


at hesta vára, ok búumsk heim. Er nú sét, at oss vill ekki annat

our horses, and prepare yourself (to go) home. (It) is now seen, that no other (nothing else) will (come) to us


315 en svívirðing.'

Than dishonour.”


Sámr svarar: 'Þat er vel, af því at þú vildir ekki annat en

Sám answers: ”That is well, because you wanted no other (nothing else) than


deila við Hrafnkel ok vildir eigi þá kosti þiggja, er margr mundi

to contend against Hrafnkel and wanted not to accept those terms, which many would


gjarna þegit hafa, sá er eptir sinn náunga átti at sjá. Frýðir þú

gladly have accepted, those who for their kinsmen had a right (claim) to exact compensation. You questioned


oss mjök hugar ok öllum þeim, er í þetta mál vildu eigi ganga

of us much courage and all those, who in this case wanted not to go


320 með þér. Skal ek nú ok aldri fyrr af láta en mér þykkir fyrir

with you. I shall now also never let off before (it) seems to me beyond


ván komit, at ek geta nökkut at gert."

hope come, that I am able to do anything.”


Þá fær Þorbirni svá mjök, at hann grætr.

Then, (it) moves Þorbjörn so much, that he cries.


Þá sjá þeir vestan at ánni, hóti neðar en þeir sátu, hvar fimm

Then they see from the west side of the river, a little further down than they sat, where five


menn gengu saman frá einni búð. Sá var hár maðr ok ekki

men travelled together from a certain booth. That was a tall man and not


325 þrekligr, er fyrstr gekk, í laufgronum kyrtli ok hafði búit

stout of frame, who walked in front, in a leaf-green tunic and had ready


sverð í hendi, réttleitr maðr ok rauðlitaðr ok vel í yfirbragði,

a sword in hand, a regular featured man and ruddy complexioned and of distinguished features.


ljósjarpr á hár ok mjök hærðr. Sjá maðr var auðkenniligr, því

light brown in hair and very thick haired. This man was easily recognised, because


at hann hafði Ijósan lepp í hári sínu inum vinstra megin.

He had lfair lock in his hair on the left side.


Sámr mælti: 'Stöndum upp ok göngum vestr yfir ána til

Sám spoke: ”(Let us) stand up and go west over the river


330 móts við þessa menn.'

to a meeting with these men.


Guide to translation:

Key: adj = adjective; adv = adverb; conj = conjunction; n = noun; prep = preposition; pron = pronoun; v = verb; refl = reflexive.


Þat                             sá: (pron)                    nom sg neut                That

var                              vera: (v)                       3s past ind                  was

einn                            einn: (pron)                  nom sg                       one

morgin                        morgin: (n)                  nom sg                       morning

snimma,                      snimma: (adv)                                               early,

at                               at:                                                                that

Þorbjörn                      Þorbjörn: (n)                nom sg                       Þorbjörn

karl                             karl: (n)                       nom sg                       old man

vaknar.                        vakna: (v)                    3s pres ind                  awakes.

Hann                           hann: (pron)                 nom sg                       He

vekr                            vaka: (v)                      3s pres ind                  wakes

Sám                           Sámr (n)                     acc sg                        Sám

ok                               ok: (conj)                                                      and

bað                             biðja: (v)                      3s past ind                  asked

hann                           hann: (pron)                 acc sg                        him

upp                             upp: (adv)                                                      to

standa.                       standa: (v)                   inf                               get up.

'Má                             mega: (v)                     1s pres ind                  "Can

ek                               ek: (pron)                    nom sg                       I

ekki                            ekki: (adv)                                                     not

sofa.'                           sofa: (v)                       inf                               sleep."

Sámr                          Sámr (n)                     nom sg                       Sám

stendr                         standa: (v)                   3s pres ind                  stands

upp                             upp: (adv)                                                      up

ok                               ok: (conj)                                                      and

ferr                              fara: (v)                       3s pres ind                  gets

í                                 í: (prep)                                                         into

klæði                          klæði: (n)                    acc sg                        clothes

sín.                             sinn: (refl pron)            acc sg                        his.

Þeir                            þeir: (pron)                  nom sg                       They

ganga                         ganga: (v)                    3p pres ind                  go

út                               út: (adv)                                                        out

ok                               ok: (conj)                                                      and

ofan                            ofan: (prep)                                                   down

at                               at:                                                                to

Øxará,                        Øxará: (n)                   dat sg                         Axe River,

fyrir neðan                   fyrir neðan: (prep)                                          below

brúna.                         brú: (n)                        acc sg                        the bridge.

Þar                             þar: (adv)                                                      There

þvá                             þvá: (v)                        3p pres ind                  wash

þeir                             þeir: (pron)                  nom pl                        they

sér.                             sinn: (refl pron)            acc pl                         themselves.

Þorbjörn                      Þorbjörn : (n)               nom sg                       Þorbjörn

mælti                          mæla: (v)                    3s past ind                  spoke

við                              við: (prep)                                                      with

Sám:                          Sámr (n)                     acc sg                        Sám:

'Þat                             sá: (pron)                    nom sg                       "That

er                               vera: (v)                       3s pres ind                  is

ráð                              ráð: (n)                        nom sg                       advice

mitt,                            minn: (pron)                 nom sg                       my,

at                               at:                                                                that

þú                               þú: (pron)                    nom sg                       you

látir                             láta: (v)                       2s pres subj                cause

reka                            reka: (v)                      inf                               to drive

at                               at:                                                               

hesta                          hestr: (n)                     acc pl                         horses

vára,                           vár: (pron)                    acc pl                         our

ok                               ok: (conj)                                                      and

búumsk                       búask (v refl)                ??                              prepare yourself

heim.                          heim: (adv)                                                    for home.

Er                               vera: (v)                       3s pres ind                  (It) is

                              nú: (adv)                                                       now

sét,                             sjá: (v)                        pp                              seen,

at                               at:                                                                that

oss                             vér: (pron)                    dat pl                          to us

vill                               vilja: (v)                       3s pres ind                  shall (come)

ekki                            engi: (pron)                  nom sg                       no

annat                          annarr: (pron)               nom sg                       other

en                               en: (conj)                                                      than

svívirðing.'                    svívirðing: (n)               nom sg                       dishonour."

Sámr                          Sámr (n)                     nom sg                       Sám

svarar:                         svara: v)                      3s pres ind                  answers:

'Þat                             sá: (pron)                    nom sg                       "That

er                               vera: (v)                                                         is

vel,                             vel: (adv)                                                       well

af því at                       af því at: (conj)                                               because

þú                               þú: (pron)                    nom sg                       you

vildir                            vilja: (v)                       2s past ind                  wanted

ekki                            ekki: (adv)                                                     not

annat                          annarr: (pron)               acc sg                        other

en                               en: (conj)                                                      than

deila                           deila: (v)                      inf                               contend

við                              við: (prep)                                                      against

Hrafnkel                      Hrafnkell: (n)                acc sg                        Hrafnkel

ok                               ok: (conj)                                                      and

vildir                            vilja: (v)                       2s past ind                  wanted

eigi                             eigi: (adv)                                                      not

þá                               sá: (pron)                    acc pl                         those

kosti                           kostr: (n)                     acc pl                         terms

þiggja,                         þiggja: (v)                    inf                               to accept,

er                               er: (pron)                                                       which

margr                          margr: (pron)               nom sg                       many

mundi                         munu: (v)                     3p past ind                  would

gjarna                         gjarna: (adv)                                                  gladly

þegit                           þiggja: (v)                    pp                              accepted

hafa,                           hafa: (v)                       inf                               have,

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