From: Patricia
Message: 5591
Date: 2005-10-15
----- Original Message -----From: llama_nomSent: Friday, October 14, 2005 5:43 PMSubject: [norse_course] Re: New person saying hello
Hi Josh,
You are not alone in being daunted by Gordon's book! It will come
in handy eventually, but in the meantime, a lot of people recommend
Anthony Faulkes' "A New Introduction to Old Norse" [ ], comes in three volumes:
grammar, reader and glossary. Some other websites for beginners
which you might want to check out:
Old Norse Online (Todd B. Krause and Jonathan Slocum; 10 lessons +
grammar + runes)
Old Icelandic Course Materials (Tarrin Wills: referrence grammar +
texts: Iðunn and Skaði, Þrymskviða + vocabulary. Like Gordon, the
grammar is more for referrence, but you can click on words in the
sample texts for definitions, and it has more explanitory notes.)
Henry Sweet "Icelandic Primer" (an old book, but still with a
difficult subject I find it helps to see how different people
explain it)
Materialien und Erläuterungen zur Grammatik des Altisländischen
(Einführung in die altisländische Sprache, Hartmut Röhn)
Cours d'Islandais Ancien (French introduction to Old Icelandic, with
grammar & parallel Norse/French texts)
Some more suggestions for learners of Old Norse (whatch out though,
some of the links on this page are broken):
Llama Nom