Hi Fernando,

I had a go at translating this a couple of years back. My first
attempt was a bit woeful, but eventually I think I´ve sorted out
some of the idioms that initially threw me, so if you do go with
Gríms saga loðinkinna I´m sure I´ll chip now and then with helpful
comments, cries of alarmed revelation, etc. It´s a fun story, very
different from Auðun, but charming in its own way. HERE BE TROLLS.
It´s the sequel to Ketils saga hængs, and prequel to a much longer
piece, Örvar-Odds saga which appears in Hermann Pálsson and Paul
Edwards´ collection Seven Viking Romances. But you don´t need read
them in order to follow the story.

By the way, I recently came across this site [
http://www.heimskringla.no/original/fornaldersagaene/index.php ],
which has, amongst other goodies, a more complete text of
Fornaldarsögur Norðurlanda than the various others online, including
the introductions to each volume, index and even lists of