From: Patricia
Message: 5434
Date: 2005-07-09
Here is the third and final subsection from Gordons Section L, Miscellanea. No muddy verse in this one so hopefully no one will get bogged down.
Saell Alan - you Jest, I never saw anything so blessed convoluted and twisted , it could not have looked worse in verse you know!!!
Verses by Earl Rögnvald Kali
(iii) Rögnvald in Palestine
Þeir Rögnvaldr jarl fóru þá ór Akrsborg ok sóttu alla hina helgustu staði á Jórsalalandi
Then Rognvald Earl there out of Acre and sought all those holiest (superl heilagr) of Palestine
Earl Rognvald left Acre to seek all the most holy places in Palestine
Þeir fóru allir til Jórðánar ok lauguðusk þar.
they travelled all to Jordan and Bathed there
They all went to the Jordan to bathe there (one assumes in the River)
Þeir Rögnvald jarl ok Sigmundr Öngull lögðusk yfir ána ok gengu þar á land,
They Earl Rognvald and Sigmund Ongull swam over the stream (Jordan) and went (on) by land
Earl Rognvald and Sigmund Ongull swam over the Jordan and continued by land
ok þangat til sem var hrískjörr nökkur, ok riðu þar knúta stóra. Þá kvað jarl:
and there where was brushwood/thicket some and twisted a knot great This Said the Earl
to a [place where there was a Thickrt and they tied a great knot. This the Earl said
'Ek hefi lagða lykkju (leiðar þvengs) of heiði (snotr minnisk þess svanni sút), fyr Jórðán útan
I have placed coil (a loop) on the heath of a road thong (snake) the wise Lady will know of this far beyond Jordan in the snakes sorrow, (i.e. in Winter)
I feel this would be that he killed a snake and tied it to show he's been there and he's going to tell the lady of it)
I have made this loop (of a snake) on the heath the Wise Lady will remember this in the Winter (because the winter ties up with the Snakes Sorrow (it's darned cold ))
en hykk at þó þykki þangat langt at ganga (blóð fell varmt á víðan völl) heimdrögum öllum.'
but (hugg-ek - hykk) I think that yet seems there a long time to go, the lood fell warm in the field
Homedwellers - all (PL)
But I think that we have a long way to go, how the blood fell warm on the ground
they are all home dwellers all of them
I think I've got the Gist (perhaps) of it, but that blood warm upon the ground makes me think he killed a snake to tie in a knot on the Heath, but I do not think the lady will feel sorrow for that, I think leiður þvengs sot should be together for a kenning of Winter
So it's been fun, but now halfpast midnight and I've to get a glass of my Favorite medicine and hit the sack.
I hope this turns out well
Thanks due to LN for making sure we noticed the Fiendish double kenning
----- Original Message -----From: AThompsonSent: Friday, July 08, 2005 11:27 AMSubject: RE: [norse_course] Miscellanea Section L Subsection (iii)Sæl öll
Here is the third and final subsection from Gordons Section L, Miscellanea. No muddy verse in this one so hopefully no one will get bogged down.
Verses by Earl Rögnvald Kali
(iii) Rögnvald in Palestine
Þeir Rögnvaldr jarl fóru þá ór Akrsborg ok sóttu alla hina helgustu staði á Jórsalalandi. Þeir fóru allir til Jórðánar ok lauguðusk þar. Þeir Rögnvald jarl ok Sigmundr Öngull lögðusk yfir ána ok gengu þar á land, ok þangat til sem var hrískjörr nökkur, ok riðu þar knúta stóra. Þá kvað jarl: 'Ek hefi lagða lykkju (leiðar þvengs) of heiði (snotr minnisk þess svanni sút), fyr Jórðán útan; en hykk at þó þykki þangat langt at ganga (blóð fell varmt á víðan völl) heimdrögum öllum.'
A Norse funny farm, overrun by smart people.
To escape from this funny farm try rattling off an e-mail to:
A Norse funny farm, overrun by smart people.
To escape from this funny farm try rattling off an e-mail to:
A Norse funny farm, overrun by smart people.
To escape from this funny farm try rattling off an e-mail to:
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