From: AThompson
Message: 5420
Date: 2005-07-06
Thanks LN for clearing that up.
Now that you have pointed it out, I find that Gordon has hidden away in his grammar the 'clue': viz Para 151 "in poetry the enclitic negatives -a, -at, -gi were used, as in vas-k-a 'I was not'; hef-k-at-ek 'I have not'"
Now, if the line had been something like saurs vargi vant, I wouldn’t have had any trouble and that seems to me to scan just as well J
Grace, I guess we´ll now be alert to these in the future.
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of llama_nom
Sent: Tuesday, 5 July 2005 9:26 PM
Subject: [norse_course] Re: saurs vara vant
--- In, "AThompson" <athompso@...>
> Question 1 relates to the two lines: ‘saurs vara vant, er várum,
viðr, à GrÃmsbÅ" miðjum’ Firstly I have to question whether this text
from Gordon is accurate because in Gordon´s own glossary, the
phrase ’saurs eigi vant viðr’, cross referenced to the lines in
question, is glossed as ’there was no lack of mud.’ Somehow, ’vara’
has replaced ’eiga.’ I searched the web but could not find an on-
line text of Orkneyinga saga to see which version was correct. Can
anyone say what the correct text should be? And then provide an
Sæll Alan,
I think VARA here consists of VAR "was" + the negative suffix
A "not", a poetic alternative to EIGI (cf. Völuspá 'vara sandr né
sær' "there was neither sand nor sea"). So SAURS VARA VANT "of-muck
there-wasn't a-shortage" = "eigi var vant saurs". For the poem, the
metre--in as much as I understand these things--seems much better
with -A than than EIGI.
Llama Nom
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