Pocket money for shipwrecks

From: llama_nom
Message: 5225
Date: 2005-05-02

'Friðþjófs saga ins froekna' "The Saga of Frodthjof the Bold" also
mentions this precaution of having something valuable on you in the
event of a shipwreck. I'm not sure whether the implication here is
that it's an offering for Rán (the goddess of the sea who receives
drowned sailors), or whether for all the doom-laden talk they're still
hoping it might come in handy if they survive.

Þá mælti Friðþjófr: "Nú er víst, at til Ránar skal fara, ok búumst
vaskliga, ok skal hverr gull hafa á sér ok höggva í sundr hringinn
Ingibjargarnaut, ok skiptum með oss."

Then said F.: "Now it's certain that we must go to Rán, so let's
prepare ourselves bravely, and everyone ought to have some gold on
them, so the ring Ingibjörg's Gift must be cut up and we'll share it
between us."

Llama Nom

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