From: Fred and Grace Hatton Message: 5192 Date: 2005-04-23
Einn dag, er á leið várit, gekk Sveinn konungr ofan á bryggjur, ok váru
One day, when spring (was well) along?, King Svein went down to the
wharf and
menn þá at, at búa skip til ýmissa landa, í austrveg eða Saxland, til
men were there at readying ships (to sail) for various countries, to the
east or Germany, to
Svíþjóðar eða Nóregs. Þá koma þeir Auðun at einu skipi fögru, ok váru
Sweden or Norway. Then they come (the king and A.?) to a singularly
fine ship, and
menn at, at búa skipit. Þá spurði konungr, 'Hversu lízk þér, Auðun, á
men were (busy)at readying the ship. The king asked, “How do you, A., like
þetta skip?' Hann svarar, 'Vel, herra.' Konungr mælti: 'Þetta skip vil
this ship?” He answers, “Well, lord.” The king spoke, “This ship I will
ek þér gefa ok launa bjarndýrit.' Hann þakkaði gjöfina eptir sinni
give you (I get the sense here, but not the grammar, launa is gen. pl.?
and bjarndýrit is nom or acc) as a reward for the bear(?).
He thanked (the king) for the gift after his custom(?).
Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley, Pa.
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