One or other of our Members will be posting a section of the
Story of Auðun and the Bear, and we post our translations and get feed back
and some very helpful corrections.
Auðun's story is done by Alan at present, usually Sarah, but
another story Hrafnkel's Saga could be revived in May, by Alan and that
would be good because it was abandoned as I understand it about third of the
way through.
I'm Grimnir, a heathen and member of
Heathens For Progress. What's the format for the course here? Do we just
work through the lessons in the Files section?
I've never studied
ON before but it's getting to the point where I'm needing to make my own
mind up about the writings of the sagas and eddas, and the only real way
to do that is to attempt to translate them yourself! That way, at least
the translation is one which you will be comfortable with
So, any tips, pointers etc. greatfully accepted :)