From: AThompson
Message: 5178
Date: 2005-04-18
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Fred and Grace Hatton
Sent: Sunday, 17 April
2005 11:56 PM
Subject: [norse_course] A 16
Þat er nú sagt einhverju sinni of várit, at konungr býðr Auðuni at vera
It is now said(? [Yes]) sometime in the spring, that the king invited to A. remain
með sér álengðar, ok kvezk myndu gøra hann skutilsvein sinn ok leggja
with him for the future, and said (A) would be [literally: declares, says (of himself) (that he) would make him (Auðun)] his page and (the king
would) furnish
til hans góða virðing. Auðun segir, 'Guð þakki yðr, herra, sóma þann
him (with) good honors [singular]. A. says, “God thank you, lord,(for) all those honors [that honor (it hurts to spell it that way J), singular]
allan er þér vilið til mín leggja; en hitt er mér í skapi at fara út
(with) which you will [want to] furnish me, but it strikes [not for hitt, I hope] me in mind to go out
til Íslands.' Konungr segir, 'Þetta sýnisk mér undarliga kosit.' Auðun
to Iceland .” The king says, “That [This, neut of þessi] seems to me a remarkable choice.” [literally: extraordinarily (adverb) chosen (past participle)]
mælti: 'Eigi má ek þat vita, herra', segir hann, 'at ek hafa hér mikinn
Auðun spoke, “I can not [(bear to)]know that (?), lord,” he says,” that I have here much [great, I think, rather than much, which would be mjök]
sóma með yðr, en móðir mín troði stafkarls stíg út á Íslandi; því at nú
honor with you, but my mother wanders as a beggar [literally: the path of a beggar] [out]in Iceland , because now
er lokit björg þeiri er ek lagða til, áðr ek fœra af Íslandi.' Konungr
is at end [past participle] those provisions that I provided, before I went from Iceland .” The king
svarar: 'Vel er mælt', segir hann, 'ok mannliga, ok muntu verða
answers, “Well spoken,” says he, “and manfully, and you will be
giptumaðr. Sjá einn var svá hlutrinn, at mér myndi eigi mislíka at þú
a lucky man. [Sjá (this) einn (alone) var (was) svá (thus, so) hlutrinn (the condition) ie This alone was so (just) the condition/reason, or ”you have given the one reason”] (I can look up the words, but make no sense of the first phrase here), that to me will not dislike [displease] that you
fœrir í braut heðan. Ok ver nú með mér þar til er skip búask.' Hann
go away from here. And stay now with me then until a ship is ready.”
gørir svá.
He does so.
Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley , Pa.
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