From: llama_nom
Message: 5145
Date: 2005-04-13
> "Hnísu söltum sultuWith line 2, I was actually hoping for type A2k, which if I've
> (svanr gat Nikuz) skatnar
> (hold, logs hlenni ennis)
> hundmargir í grundum."
> This would make the third line Type D1.
> The first line is clearly Type A.
> The second line has to be Type A too,
> I think. But the third syllable is short,
> which might be a problem. We could "fix" it
> by substituting another name for Óðinn - say,
> "Óðinn", but that would hurt the rhyme a bit.
> The fourth line is Type E, although 'í' makes
> for a somewhat crappy metrical foot.
> I like "hlenni logs ennis",Fire/light of the forehead is traditional, but I haven't seen a bird
> is it an original idea?
>From the north, out of the sea, where winds cold as death nag at the
> The winning poem was written by Einar Kolbeinsson, a farmer.
> ------------------------------------------------
> Prinsinn af Wales - Kveðja frá íslensku þjóðinni
> Norðan úr hafi hvar nákaldir vindar,
> nauða við gluggann um síðkvöldin löng,
> flytjum við dýrðar- og fagnaðarsöng,
> því fljótlega marka skal endalok syndar.
> Ástleitni mennina áfram mun teyma,? Love will take the reins to lead people forward, this is hardly
> ofsögum þetta er tæplega sagt,
> og nú verður brúðkaup með pompi og pragt,
> en pínlegum ágalla skulum við gleyma.
> Þjóðin leggst ekki í þvermóðsku og fýlu,The nation eschews defience / obstinacy and ill humour, though all
> þó allir viti að staðan er sú,
> að prinsinn sem eignast í alvöru frú,
> aldrei mun ganga til drottningarhvílu.
> Verðandi konungur heimsveldishirðar,Becoming king of the court of a world power, truly with heroism he
> af hetjuskap sannlega axlar þær byrðar!