From: AThompson
Message: 5110
Date: 2005-04-03
Sæl Patricia
It’s no trouble for me to provide comments (just so long as you remember I am not a native speaker nor an expert). Your “blue line” indicates that you have grasped the broad sense of the text and I would not quibble with “he who would meet me.” My comments will generally be confined to those parts of your “red line” where your understanding of the grammar/syntax or the meaning of a word is either not apparent or differs from mineJ
-----Original Message-----
From: Patricia
Friday, 1 April 2005
8:06 PM
Subject: Re: [norse_course] Auðun
section 14/Feedback Patricia
I appreciate the trouble you have gone to for me Alan, it rather looks as if the blue lines in general agree with you , and I am glad for that, they are meant to be a better approximation in reasonably up-to-date English, I have used "he who would speak to me" preferably because it appears to express the subjunctive better as I see it, what do you reckon ??
I see that Auðun would speak if he was allowed to but that it is by no means a foregone conclusion, I hesitate to bother you further but your comments are welcomed
My own English is a trifle Archaic at times it goes back via my Gran and her great-gran in two easy stages
----- Original Message -----
From: AThompson
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 10:29 AM
Subject: RE: [norse_course] Auðun section 14/Feedback Patricia
Sæl Patricia
Some suggestions on your translation.
From: Patricia
Monday, 21 March 2005 1:52 AM
Subject: Re: [norse_course] Auðun
section 14
Ok nú of aptaninn, er konungr gekk til kveldsöngs,
And now because
it was [during] [the, def art
attached] Evening the King went to
And now as it was Evening the King went to Vespers (prefer - Vespers)
ætlaði Auðun at hitta hann,
Thought Auðun to meet him
Auðun wished to meet him ( at Vespers)
ok svá mikit sem honum þótti fyrr fyrir, jók nú miklu á,
[and] so much [difficult] as he [it, understood] seemed [to him] before, he was more hesitant
[increased (it) now greatly (on)]
as much as he hung back before, he was even more reluctant
er þeir váru drukknir hirðmenninir.
Since [when] they were drunken [only merry], King's (courtiers)
Since the Kings House-Carles were all drunk (prefer house-carles - they're a rough lot)
Ok er þeir gengu inn aptr, þá þekði konungr mann
and then [when] they went back (inside)
then saw [recognised] King [the] man
when they went back in, the King noticed a man
ok þóttisk finna at eigi hafði frama til at ganga fram at hitta hann.
and seemed to find that [he] not possessed courage to go forward to meet (?) him
who seemed to lack the courage to step forward to approach him
Ok nú er hirðin gekk inn, þá veik konungr út ok mælti:
[And now] when the retainers [court, sg] went inside the King ( veik) [turned out] and said
and when the King's men went in the King (spoke up ? ) and said
"Gangi sá nú fram, er mik vill finna. Mik grunar at sá muni vera maðrinn
Step that [one] now forward (he) who would [wants to] meet me, I suspect that thou [that one] art [will be] the man
"come forward now , he who would meet me - I suspect that you are the man"
I am beginning to like this King Sweinn, because he knows what rascals his house-carles are, moreover they are drunk as Aldermen, and he fears that Auðun will be made game of, by the men, I believe the name house-carles to be Amglo-Saxon, but it seems to fit - retainers does sound a trifle George the Third
I am unsure of this, several words eluded me, but it is so enjoyable.
----- Original Message -----
From: Sarah Bowen
Sent: Saturday, March 19, 2005 8:29 AM
Subject: [norse_course] Auðun section 14
Will Auðun come forward or won´t he?
Ok nú of aptaninn, er konungr gekk til kveldsöngs, ætlaði Auðun at hitta hann, ok svá mikit sem honum þótti fyrr fyrir, jók nú miklu á, er þeir váru drukknir hirðmenninir. Ok er þeir gengu inn aptr, þá þekði konungr mann ok þóttisk finna at eigi hafði frama til at ganga fram at hitta hann. Ok nú er hirðin gekk inn, þá veik konungr út ok mælti: "Gangi sá nú fram, er mik vill finna. Mik grunar at sá muni vera maðrinn."
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