From: AThompson
Message: 5098
Date: 2005-04-01
Sæl Grace
Some suggestions on your translation.
-----Original Message-----
From: Fred and Grace Hatton [mailto:hatton@...]
Sent: Tuesday, 22 March
2005 2:29 AM
Subject: [norse_course] Auðun 14
I had a lot of difficulty with this one in the second and fouth lines.
Had to resort to the English translation to figure out what was going on
and then hopefully found the right words after that.
Ok nú of aptaninn, er konungr gekk til kveldsöngs, ætlaði Auðun at
And now in the evening, when the king went to evensong, Auðun intended to
hitta hann, ok svá mikit sem honum þótti fyrr fyrir, jók nú miklu á, er
meet him, and as much [difficult] as (it was [seemed]) for him unpleasant
before, (the
difficulty?) piled on now much, when
þeir váru drukknir hirðmenninir. Ok er þeir gengu inn aptr, þá þekði
they, the king’s men were (a bit) drunk. And when they went back in, then
konungr mann ok þóttisk finna at eigi hafði frama til at ganga fram at
the king noticed a man and [thought himself to notice] (the man who?) wanted to meet (with him)then
did not have courage to step forward to
hitta hann. Ok nú er hirðin gekk inn, þá veik konungr út ok mælti:
meet him. And now when the king’s men went in, then the king moved out
and spoke,
"Gangi sá nú fram, er mik vill finna. Mik grunar at sá muni vera maðrinn."
“Step forward now, such (a one) [that one], who wants to meet with me. I suspect
that such a man must be (here)[that one will be the man].” [pointing at Auðun]
Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley , Pa.
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