Fw: [norse_course] Hi Newbie Here

From: Patricia
Message: 5081
Date: 2005-03-28

Believing this to have been sent only in part I am re-sending please delete extraneous copy
----- Original Message -----
From: Patricia
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2005 5:01 PM
Subject: Re: [norse_course] Hi Newbie Here

1. The difference between Icelandic and Old norse is less than the Difference between Chaucerian English and Modern English
2. See above
3. Study Both, many people think that the Younger Futhark is the more important, but there are as many that disagree
<any suggestions to help me get started would be wonderful >

is our home page, it is very good but so are the Books Published by the Viking Society for Northern Research, at the University College London, by Michael Barnes and Anthony Faulkes, I really think they (UCL) are more reliable than Amazon in this field.
You will doubtless want a dictionary and a paperback copy of
A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic by Geir T, Zoëga will serve you well, that book was all I had when I started the course, I blundered about at first certainly, but have managed to acquite myself reasonably.
Yours in Fellowship
----- Original Message -----
From: Ron Staley
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2005 4:26 AM
Subject: [norse_course] Hi Newbie Here

Hi everyone,
Im an SCA newbie living in the Barony of Forgotten Sea in the Kingdom of Calontir intersted in learning old norse. I have a few questions that i hope I can get answered.
1. Whats the difference between Icelandic and Old Norse ?
2. If i learn Icelandic how far will i be from ON ? 
3. Which set of Runes are the ones for ON ?
any suggestions to help me get started would be wonderful
thanks in advance,
Yours in Service ,
Ulf of  Forgotten Sea

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