From: Haukur Þorgeirsson
Message: 5052
Date: 2005-03-22
> Oopsh, that should have been: "skínn á skildi mínum." Or is theDuh, okay, sorry. Wasn't thinking.
> 2nd 'n' of 'skínn' taken as part of the next syllable?
>> Well, it's certainly a very poor rhyme withNowadays the cluster 'kl' is pronounced [hkl]
>> the modern pronunciation but I suppose it might
>> have worked when it was composed.
> How?
> Or did you mean it might have had completely different wordsOne might think - but it's actually not so bad.
> originally? I guess the modern pronunciation would also make the
> rhythm weird in a line like this, since it depends on the
> distinction between long and short vowels.
>> It is what Snorri called a 'nýgjörving'.A new kenning or a set of kennings, ideally
> What's that?
> I think the writer of Göngu-Oh, it's not so bad - it's just a little blurb ;)
> Hrólfs saga gets a bit carried away at times, and I didn´t really
> get into the story of that one, although there´s a funny bit which
> Ralph O´Connor quotes in his Viking Histories and Romances, where
> England has just been alluded to in the saga, and the author feels
> obliged to take time out from the story to give us a geographical
> rundown of the country, its principle towns and major exports, etc.,
> etc.
> Tilbúinn. Tilbúinn. Samþykkt. Tilbúinn. Árás! Já.Hah! I'll fight back your pitiful hersir rush,