From: xigung
Message: 5019
Date: 2005-03-18
--- In, Imre <hobbi-germanista@...> wrote:
> Dear Haukur, Diego, Xigung and Llama nom,
> thanks for the contributions from all of you, indeed. Meanwhile I have
> realized that my question was somewhat improper, as it is very
> to say if two similar tongues can be considered dialects of the very
> same languages or two separate languages. Separate statehood of
> the speakers might contribute to considering them separate
> languages, just as in case of the split of the former Yugoslavia, the
> once "indivisible" Serbo-Croat today is considered to be 3 separate
> languages, such as Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian, though difference
> may be less significant between Bosnian and Serbian than Swiss
> German and Hochdeutsch (the latter two are thought to be the same
> language).
> It could have been similar in the age of shifting from common-Germanic
> to Western-Germanic languages and Old Norse. Since this was
> continuous we could only set a symbolic date or estimate a longer
> period during which it could have happened. But of course mutual
> intelligibility does not end at the time when the dialects split >into
> separate languages, e.g. written Dutch is more or less intelligible to
> German-speakers, or Estonian is also understandable to Finns in some
> extent. But because of the mutual intelligibility no one would say that
> these are dialects of the very same language, any longer.
> The reason for my question was that I wanted to when the Old Norse
> word `lög' acquired the meaning `law'. According to my "presumption #
> 1", this must have happened after that Old Norse and West Germanic
> languages split form each other, because the English cognate `lay' and
> German cognate `Lage' do not have the same meaning as `lög'.
> But again ("presumption #2") since dialects can be well different
> before formally splitting into different languages it could have
> happened that in the Northern dialects of the common-Germanic the
> proto-Germanic *'lag' (or whatever the correct form may have been)
> already had the meaning "law" (or some kind of commonly accepted
> social custom etc.), but not in the West or East dialects.
> This latter argument could be supported by the fact that German and
> OE both use words ("Gesetz" and "gesetnys") with the similar original
> meaning: "setzen" and "to set" also have the same primary meaning
> as Swedish "lägga" (`to lay') and ON "leggja", both having the primary
> meaning `to lay, to put, to set etc.'. I presume that the Northern
> dialects and Western dialects meant the same thing, but one of the
> dialects shifted to an other word, though a secondary meaning
> (i.e. `law') of "*lag" could have been intelligible to the Western
> or a secondary meaning of the word "*set" or "*geset" (or whatever
> the correct proto-Germanic may have been) could have been
> understandable to the speakers of the Northern dialects, e.g. Swedish
> still has the verb "sätte" with a similar meaning as German "setzen"
> and English "to set".
> Greetings,
> Imre