From: llama_nom
Message: 4957
Date: 2005-03-09
> "Fóru þeir þá út á skip, en at því hugði Ánn, hvar hann skyldior, to
> þess koma sér, at öllum þætti sér mest mein at."
> I think I understand this (though I wouldn't want to bet
> money on it) but it's hard to translate.
> Fóru þeir þá út á skip en at því hugði Ánn,
> Went they then aboard the ship and about that thought Ánn
> hvar hann skyldi þess koma sér
> where he should in it place himself
> at öllum þætti sér mest mein at.
> so that each would feel himself most harmed.
> 1. "Hyggja at" is a phrasal verb meaning something like "consider"
> use an English phrasal verb, "think about".sense.
> 2. The mysterious "þess" must stand for "skips" in its locative
> Like in "miðskips". Or English "amidships".meaning.
> 3. The "at" before "öllum" I understand as "svá at".
> 4. The "sér" could be left out but that would slightly alter the
> The "sér" tells us that it's each man by himself who isinconvenienced.
> 5.
> Mér þykkir mein at einhverju.
> I feel harm from something.
> Kveðja,
> Haukur