From: Fred and Grace Hatton Message: 4945 Date: 2005-03-07
Auðun arrives back at Sveinn´s court, rather the worse for wear.
Hann kømr aptr í Danmörk at páskum, þangat sem konungr er þá staddr.
He comes back to Denmark at Easter, to that place where the king was
present then.
En eigi þorði hann at láta sjá sik; ok var í kirkjuskoti ok ætlaði þá
But he didn’t dare to let (anyone) see him; and stayed in the narrow
hallway of the church and intended then
til fundar við konung, er hann gengi til kirkju um kveldit. Ok nú er
to meet with the king, when he went to the church in the evening. And
now when
hann sá konunginn ok hirðina fagrliga búna, þá þorði hann eigi at láta
he saw the king and the fine-looking king’s men ?, then he dared not
allow (them)
sjá sik. Ok er konungr gekk til drykkju í höllina, þá mataðisk Auðun
to see him. And when the king went to drink in the hall, Auðun ate
úti, sem siðr er til Rúmferla, meðan þeir hafa eigi kastat staf ok
outside, as custom was on the Rome pilgrimage, when they had not cast
staff and sack - - I didn’t understand the last bit here.
Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley, Pa.
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