Re: [norse_course] Auðun part 10/feedback Alan

From: Sarah Bowen
Message: 4838
Date: 2005-02-03

Attachments :

Hello Alan,
This passage doesn't appear to have posed you many problems :-)
Good question about "settak".  I remember reading in Gordon that the -ak suffix can be subsitituted for the personal pronoun "ek".  So it would just mean "I set..."  But here we have "ek settak" which would seem to be a duplication.  Or maybe it acts as a reinforcer?
I don't think it could be the middle voice because that is -sk (and the "s" is sometimes dropped in the 1st p plural, giving -mk as you say.)
Sorry not to be able to shed any more light on this.  If no-one from within the group can tell us, I'll try my lecturer.
----- Original Message -----
From: AThompson
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2005 6:27 AM
Subject: RE: [norse_course] Auðun part 10

Góðan daginn


Within this passage, I can’t figure out the form “settak.”  Is it middle voice? In which case I think I would have expected “settumk”.







Konungr mælti: 'Er þat satt, Áki, er hann segir?'

(The) king spoke: ”Is that true, Áki, which he says?”


'Satt er þat', segir hann.

”It is true”, he says.


Konungr mælti: 'Ok þótti þér þat til liggja,

(The) king spoke: ”And did that seem to you to be fitting


þar sem ek settak þik mikinn mann,

whereas I set you up as a great man,


at hepta þat eða tálma, er maðr gørðisk til at fœra mér

to hinder or obstruct that (it), when a man takes the trouble to give me

gørsimi ok gaf fyrir alla eign?

a treasure and gave for (it) all (his) possessions?


Ok sá þat Haraldr konungr at ráði at láta hann fara í friði,

And King Harald saw that as good counsel (thought it advisable) to let him go in peace.


ok er hann várr óvinr.

and he is our enemy.


Hygg þú at þá, hvé sannligt þat var þinnar handar!

Think [you] on that, how proper that was on your hand (part)!


Ok þat væri makligt, at þú værir drepinn;

And that were (subj.) deserved, that you were (subj.) killed;


en ek mun nú eigi þat gøra, en braut skaltu fara þegar ór landinu,

but I will now not do that, but you shall go away immediately out of the country,


ok koma aldri aptr síðan mér í augsýn.

and never come back afterwards into my sight.


-----Original Message-----
From: Sarah Bowen [mailto:sarahbowen@...]
Sent: Saturday, 29 January 2005 9:33 PM
Subject: [norse_course] Auðun part 10


Aki gets his come-uppance.


Konungr mælti:  "Er þat satt, Áki, er hann segir?"  "Satt er þat", segir hann.  Konungr mælti:  "Ok þótti þér þat til liggja, þar sem ik settak þik mikinn mann, at hepta þat eða tálma, er maðr gørðisk til at foera mér gørsimi ok gaf fyrir alla eign?  Ok sá þat Haraldr konungr at ráði at láta hann fara í friði, ok er hann várr óvinr.  Hygg þú at þá, hvé sannligt þat var þinnar handar!  Ok þat væri makligt, at þú værir drepinn; en ek mun nú eigi þat gøra, en braut skaltu fara þegar ór landinu, ok koma aldri aptr síðan mér í augsýn."


I´ll respond to the postings as they come in this week, rather than waiting for everyone - that might be quicker.




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