From: Patricia
Message: 4771
Date: 2005-01-16
Upon consideration translating Nakkvat eptir as reasonable is Not, not reasonable I mean but I could not think of better, Grace was close to it with her it seems to him something behind, yes that's good because that is what I would have said had I been in Auðun's position, I would have considered the bear dead and all my efforts lost, half a loaf being better than no bread at all, and I would have told Aki - there's something in what you sayPatriciaI find the interaction between others very valuable----- Original Message -----From: Sarah BowenSent: Saturday, January 15, 2005 9:46 AMSubject: Re: [norse_course] Auðun part 8/feedback PatriciaHi Patricia, you seriously underestimate yourself [you must be English - I think it is/was a national trait :-)] You attempts are remarkably good, especially for someone who's recently started.On the first linesýnisk honum nakkvat eptir sem ármaðrinn mælti fyrir honumI think you have got the meaning right (but see my comments to Alan and let's wait for Haukur's view). Do you think it's a little bit loose to translate "nakkvat eptir" with "reasonable"? I continually have this tussle with expressing the meaning versus sticking close to the surface structure of the original language. To a great extent I think it's a question of personal choice.And the rest is just fine!Kveðja,Sarah.----- Original Message -----From: PatriciaSent: Thursday, January 13, 2005 4:24 PMSubject: Re: [norse_course] Auðun part 8Hael Sarah, here is another of one of my wretched efforts, undeterred am I just the sameKveðjaPatriciaAuðun part 8Ok er hann litr á þetta.sýnisk honum nakkvat eptirand there he (thought) to that (seemed) somewhat afterAnd then he considered it seemed (?reasonable) laterSem ármaðrinn mælti fyrir honum, ok sættask þeir á þettawhen the steward spoke before to him and (agreed they to that)what the steward had suggested and it was agreedat hann selr Aka hálft dýrit, ok skal Konungr siðan meta alt samanas he would sell to Aki half Bear. and shall King afterwards value all togetherthat he would sell Aki half the Bear, and the King would value the whole matter.I used would sell, because money did not change hands did it?Alt saman is like in German - Alles ZusammencontinuingSkulu þeir fara baðir nú á fund Konungs og svá gøra þeirShall they travel together now to meeting Kings and thus did theyThey should travel together to meet the King and this they didagain this seems an expression of intent, not entirely comfortable with that as writtenFara nú baðir a fund Konungs ok stoðu fyrir borðinutravelled now together to meeting Kings and stood before a tableTravelled together to meet the King and stood before the King's tableWas the King at supper, did he give them some food, Aki did not trust Auðun and he is greedy. I wonder what the King Svein will think of it. (watch this space?)thank you for this opportunity Sarah, this is such a good studyKveðjaPatricia----- Original Message -----From: Sarah BowenSent: Monday, January 10, 2005 10:22 PMSubject: [norse_course] Auðun part 8Auðun goes along with Aki´s planOk er hann lítr á þetta, sýnisk honum nakkvat eptir, sem ármaðrinn mælti fyrir honum, ok sættask þeir á þetta, at hann selr Áka hálft dýrit ok skal konungr síðan meta alt saman. Skulu þeir fara báðir nú á fund konungs, og svá gøra þeir; fara nú báðir á fund konungs ok stóðu fyrir borðinu.If you want to post something up towards the end of the week, I will get back to you over the weekend - honest!!
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