Auðun meets King Sveinn

From: Fred and Grace Hatton
Message: 4768
Date: 2005-01-16

Auðun meets King Sveinn

Konungr íhugaði, hverr þessi maðr myndi vera, er hann kendi eigi, ok
The king considered who this man might be, who he did not recognize, and

mælti síðan til Auðunar: "Hverr ertu?" segir hann. Hann svarar: "Ek
spoke afterwards to A., “ Who are you?” says he. He answers, “ I

em Íslenzkr maðr, herra", segir hann, "ok kominn nú útan af Groenlandi,
am an Icelandic man, lord,” says he, and come now out from Greenland,

ok nú af Nóregi, ok ætlaðak at foera yðr bjarndýr þetta. Keyptak þat
and recently from Norway, and intended to give you this bear. It was
bought (I didn’t recognize the verb form here?)

með allri eigu minni, ok nú er þó á ordðit mikit fyrir mér; ek á nú
with all (also didn’t get the “ri”) of my possessions, and now when yet
much has happened against me, I have now (only?)

hálft eitt dýrit", ok segir konungi síðan hversu farit hafði með þeim
half the beast,” and tells the king afterwards how it has gone with
them, (he and)

Áka ármanni hans.
Aki, his steward.



Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley, Pa.

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