Re: [norse_course] Auðun - part 9

From: Patricia
Message: 4769
Date: 2005-01-16

Sael Sarah
I had trouble with ihugadi but thought to look for huga/hugad and put it together from that also with, ættlaðak, and Keyptak, I thought kaupir might help from Kaufen as in German, that was a good guess !!!
So here we go with more enthusiasm than skill.
Konungr ihugadi, hver þessi maðr myndi vera. er hann kendi eigi.
King i(thought)i who this man shaped to be he him knew not
The King considered who this man seemed to be he did not know him
ok mælti siðan til Auðunar "Hverr ertu"? segir hann
and spoke after to Auðan "who art thou"? said he
and he spoke later to Auðan "Who are you"? he said
Hann swarrar "Ek em Isledskr maðr Herra"
He answered "I am an Iceladish man Lord"
He replied I am a an Icelandic man my Lord"
"ok kominn nú utan af Groenlandi  ok nú af Nóregi, ok ætlaðak at fœra yðr bjarndýrit þetta
and arrived now out of Greenland and also Norway and (to think - mean) to bring to you bear this
"and came now from Greenland via Norway intending to bring you this bear
Keyptak þat með allri eigu minni ok nú er þo á ordðit mikil
from kauptir) it  with all value mine and now a great error
I gave all my wealth for it and now because of a great mistake
fýrir mér; ek á nú halft eitt dýrit
before me I have now half of this bear
here I have half a bear (or only half of this bear)
ok segir Konungi, siðan hversu farit með þeim Aka ármanni hans
and said to King later/afterward how it fared with Aki steward his
and said to the King how  it had fared with Aki the King's Steward
so Sarah when seeing ihugadi I was minded !  of how in Old English you have something like methinks and he ythought that extra y seems to mean that the subject gave it thought, or considered. On Old Emglish it sometimes has he bethought him  to mean he remembered, this does help and German helps too with Keyptir - kauptir - kaufen/kauft - well yes and a bit of guess work too
Patricia (I do not think King Sveinn will be best pleased with Aki - just a hunch)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2005 9:54 AM
Subject: [norse_course] Auðun - part 9

Auðun meets King Sveinn
Konungr íhugaði, hverr þessi maðr myndi vera, er hann kendi eigi, ok mælti síðan til Auðunar: "Hverr ertu?" segir hann.  Hann svarar:  "Ek em Íslenzkr maðr, herra", segir hann, "ok kominn nú útan af Groenlandi, ok nú af Nóregi, ok ætlaðak at foera yðr bjarndýr þetta.  Keyptak þat með allri eigu minni, ok nú er þó á ordðit mikit fyrir mér; ek á nú hálft eitt dýrit", ok segir konungi síðan hversu farit hafði með þeim Áka ármanni hans.

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