From: Sarah Bowen
Message: 4604
Date: 2004-11-14
> answered and said (he) owned that (same or very? - - I thought it mustYes, I agree. I think it is to emphasise the animal. My comments to the
> be to emphasize) animal.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Fred and Grace Hatton" <hatton@...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, November 05, 2004 11:30 AM
Subject: [norse_course] Auðun 3
> Hefir Auðun dýr sitt með sér, ok ætlar nú at fara suðr til Danmerkr á
> Auðun has his bear with him, and intends to sail south to Denmark
> fund Sveins konungs, ok gefa honum dýrit. Ok er hann kom suðr í
> to visit King Svein, and to give him the beast. And when he comes south
> landit, þar sem konungr var fyrir, þá gengr hann upp af skipi, ok
> to land?, there when the king was before?, then he goes ashore off the
> boat and
> leiðir eptir sér dýrit, ok leigir sér herbergi.
> leads the bear after him, and hires himself lodging.
> Haraldi konungi var sagt brátt at þar var komit bjarndýri, gørsimi
> It was quickly told to Harald the king, that there was come a bear, a
> mikil, ok á Íslenzkr maðr. Konungr sendir þegar menn eptir honum; ok
> great treasure, and man from Iceland. The King at once sends men after
> him,
> er Auðun kom fyrir konung, kveðr hann konung vel. Konungr tók vel
> and when Auðun comes before the king, he greets him well. The king
> kveðju hans ok spurði síðan: "Áttu gørsimi mikla í bjarndýri?" Hann
> received his greeting well and afterwards asked, “Do you have a great
> treasure in a bear?” He
> svarar ok kvezk eiga dýrit eitthvert.
> answered and said (he) owned that (same or very? - - I thought it must
> be to emphasize) animal.
> Grace
> --
> Fred & Grace Hatton
> Hawley, Pa.
> A Norse funny farm, overrun by smart people.
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