I wrote:
> In OIc., jo-stems as far as I know keep the regular umlaut
mutation. It's true this this disappears due to analogy in some
other classes of noun, cf. staðr, nauðr, etc. -- but even if the
umlaut was lacking in *byndr, it would appear then as *bundr, rather
than bóndi/búandi.
Just remembered, gunnr (nom. sg. also guðr, cf. maðr) is a jo-stem
lacking umlaut. This would correspond to Go. *gunþi.
--- In
norse_course@yahoogroups.com, "Dirk Howat" <dirk_howat@...>
> I tend to take a ancient way of looking at things, being I want to
> reconstruct proto-Germanic and I want to make Old Norse more
> archaic. So many of the things I say will not be validated for
> era circa 1100ce, but I am trying to take a more proto-Norse
> approach.
Hi Dirk,
Okay. We've probably been talking at cross purposes then a bit!
Llama Nom