Re: [norse_course] Auðun

From: Sarah Bowen
Message: 4472
Date: 2004-10-26

Hello Grace,

Lovely to hear from you again! Just one of little point I could pick up on
from your translation...

ok Þóris stýrimanns, er þar hafði þegit vist of vetrinn með Þorsteini.
> And of Thori, a (ship’s)captain, who there had accepted to stay the
> winter with Thorstein.

Thori had accepted "vist" over the winter, which is food and

So much for having forgotten your grammar!! :-)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Fred and Grace Hatton" <hatton@...>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 12:19 PM
Subject: [norse_course] Auðun

> I managed to forget all grammar over the summer! I like seeing the
> different translations so would prefer to do each one.
> Maðr hét Auðun, vestfirzkr at kyni ok félítill.
> A man was called A. of the West Firth district as regards kin and poor.
> Hann fór útan vestr þar í fjörðum með umráði Þorsteins bónda góðs,
> He took passage west there in the fjords with the help of Thorstein, a
> good farmer
> ok Þóris stýrimanns, er þar hafði þegit vist of vetrinn með Þorsteini.
> And of Thori, a (ship’s)captain, who there had accepted to stay the
> winter with Thorstein.
> Auðun var ok þar, ok starfaði fyrir honum Þóri, ok þá þessi laun af
> Auðun was also there, and worked for him, Thori, and (I also originally
> translated þá as then) received for this (work) reward of
> honum, útanferðina ok hans umsjá. Hann Auðun lagði mestan hluta fjár,
> him, passage abroad and his care. He, A., left the largest part of his
> possessions,
> þess er var, fyrir móður sína, áðr hann stigi á skip, ok var kveðit á
> which there was, for his mother, before he went on board, and it was
> declared (enough)
> þriggja vetra björg.
> subsistence for three winters.
> Grace
> --
> Fred & Grace Hatton
> Hawley, Pa.
> A Norse funny farm, overrun by smart people.
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