From: pdhanssen@...
Message: 4313
Date: 2004-04-16
> God afton,
> I have been thinking about posting links to sound files - or even
> posting sound files - to the ONC group. I never thought of recording
> the very basic (and perhaps quite frequent?) vocabulary as postulated
> in the excellent lessons by Haukur et al - a very good idea of
> yours ;)
> Since there are different opinions on how ON was pronunced (or at
> least, different dialects of the language), the best thing would be
> if both me and Haukur made the recordings. This would make it
> possible to avoid biases. Personally, I want to emphasize the pitch
> accent (which simplifies the pronunciation of the dreaded -r ending)
> and - where it is possible - nasal quality of vowels (in words like
> gás ('goose'), Þórr ('Thor') etc the nasal pron. is obvious when
> comparing with e.g. German).
> I think Haukur should choose the words to record since he is
> responsible for the lessons.
> So, Haukur, what about this idea?
> /Sjuler
> > It occurred to me while listening to the Gutnish songs, that many
> of us
> > who would like to have more of a sense of how Old Norse was
> pronounced
> > would benefit tremendously from a short paragraph being posted to
> the
> > site read by someone who can pronounce ON that we could memorize.
> This
> > ideal paragraph would have the range of noun sounds that we
> encounter in
> > words familiar from the lessons on the site.
> >
> > The ON site has the poetry readings, but poetry is difficult in its
> > grammar and is spoken very quickly in the readings so it is hard to
> > grasp the pronunciation.
> >
> Homepage: